Happy Hours


This struck me as very funny. How many people here have gone to a work happy hour, over the years, and ended up making out with a co-worker? Or, even worse?

"The term "happy hour" may have been created by the U.S. Navy to describe a designated period of time for entertainment and refreshment. Of course, happy hour has long since become a universal catchphrase. People around the world know it as a time to unwind and imbibe after a long day of work. But for some workers, their concept of "unwinding" can land them in hot water. Cynthia,* the CEO for a gourmet gift business, recalls one employee who was full of surprises. "Several years ago, I hired a new employee around holiday time. I took my staff out for happy hour, hiring two limousines. After a drink or two, I was looking for the new employee so we could present her with keys to the office, a welcome ritual we do for management. I found her in the limousine, with the driver, getting very 'acquainted'on my Burberry Coat!"

Get Happy

Happy hour is intended to be jovial and relaxing, and can be an important tool in creating a bond between groups of co-workers. But, despite good intentions, there are some "unhappy hours" where the good times go bad. A recent CareerBuilder.com survey offers a snapshot of our happy hour habits. Here's what it found out about our post-work festivities:
• One in five workers attends happy hour festivities with co-workers at least once a month.
• Eighty-two percent go to bond with co-workers, while 11 percent go specifically for quality time with the boss.
• Fifteen percent of the attendees were all about the office gossip.
• Men and women were equally likely to attend.
• Workers ages 25 to 34 had the highest attendance across all age groups.
The survey revealed a number of incidents and events where a worker's happy hour experience went from smooth sailing to crash and burn.
• Sixteen percent of those who responded said that they talked negatively or inappropriately about a co-worker or manager.
• Ten percent said they shared a secret or confidence about a co-worker.
• Eight percent kissed one of their co-workers, and another 8 percent admitted that they drank too much and acted unprofessionally.
• A surprising 5 percent breached a confidence or secret about the company.
• And 4 percent of workers admitted, with regret, that they sang karaoke.

When I worked in the Hospitality Industry, I went to a lot of Happy Hours, Meet & Greet functions, and hosted a lot of Happy Hours at the hotel bar.

Its amazing what people end up doing at those things.
• Eighty-two percent go to bond with co-workers, while 11 percent go specifically for quality time with the boss. Check • Fifteen percent of the attendees were all about the office gossip.
• Men and women were equally likely to attend.
• Workers ages 25 to 34 had the highest attendance across all age groups.
The survey revealed a number of incidents and events where a worker's happy hour experience went from smooth sailing to crash and burn. Check
• Sixteen percent of those who responded said that they talked negatively or inappropriately about a co-worker or manager. Check
• Ten percent said they shared a secret or confidence about a co-worker. Check
• Eight percent kissed one of their co-workers, and another 8 percent admitted that they drank too much and acted unprofessionally.
• A surprising 5 percent breached a confidence or secret about the company. Check
• And 4 percent of workers admitted, with regret, that they sang karaoke.

• Eighty-two percent go to bond with co-workers, while 11 percent go specifically for quality time with the boss. Check • Fifteen percent of the attendees were all about the office gossip.
• Men and women were equally likely to attend.
• Workers ages 25 to 34 had the highest attendance across all age groups.
The survey revealed a number of incidents and events where a worker's happy hour experience went from smooth sailing to crash and burn. Check
• Sixteen percent of those who responded said that they talked negatively or inappropriately about a co-worker or manager. Check
• Ten percent said they shared a secret or confidence about a co-worker. Check
• Eight percent kissed one of their co-workers, and another 8 percent admitted that they drank too much and acted unprofessionally.
• A surprising 5 percent breached a confidence or secret about the company. Check
• And 4 percent of workers admitted, with regret, that they sang karaoke.


LMAO. So basically, you have done every wrong thing, except for make out with a co-worker?
I'd hate to do this and not at least sing a bit of Karaoke.... Nothing like everybody knowing what your drunk singing voice is like.
I bet that the person who wrote this one, works with Cawacko:

Drinking is Not a Team Sport. Some workplace environments may be incredibly competitive. Avoid the urge to match co-workers drink for drink or shot for shot.
I bet that the person who wrote this one, works with Cawacko:

Drinking is Not a Team Sport. Some workplace environments may be incredibly competitive. Avoid the urge to match co-workers drink for drink or shot for shot.

Now that's total BS Darla and you know it!
I always drank too much at them too. I don’t go to them anymore frankly. I hate to say it, but I have no self-control, and I got tired of being the talk of the place some time ago. I mean, I have actually, I guess “dirty danced” would be the description, with male coworkers.
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I always drank too much at them too. I don’t go to them anymore frankly. I hate to say it, but I have no self-control, and I got tired of being the talk of the place some time ago. I mean, I have actually, I guess “dirty danced” would be the description, with male coworkers.

A+ post Darla.
I always drank too much at them too. I don’t go to them anymore frankly. I hate to say it, but I have no self-control, and I got tired of being the talk of the place some time ago. I mean, I have actually, I guess “dirty danced” would be the description, with male coworkers.

LOL - man you must be a blast to work with.
I did when I was in 20's but I have learned that it’s better to separate work and private life over some various experiences.
LOL - man you must be a blast to work with.

LOL. Yeah pretty much. I’ve gotten better, because unlike Cawacko, I was able to face up to the fact that: I cannot drink around anyone other than my close friends. I just lose all judgement when I drink. Every little thing I think, comes out my mouth, and I am sexually inappropriate, and can barely keep my clothes on. And now I have a responsible position…so I just don’t go.
I always drank too much at them too. I don’t go to them anymore frankly. I hate to say it, but I have no self-control, and I got tired of being the talk of the place some time ago. I mean, I have actually, I guess “dirty danced” would be the description, with male coworkers.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Except the guys probably don't see it as just fun at Happy Hour. Or the women you work with like to gossip about it.