Happy Independence day!

Going to have to pace myself a bit this holiday weekend. Im no spring chicken anymore,....just like to act like I am! LOL

Lets see,....today we will do the local parade which begins at 11 am meaning we have to be there by 10. On this day alcohol consumption is allowed on the streets in public. Everybody grabs to go drinks from their favorite bars on the parade strip and the party begins. Then,....after the parade there will be a big celebration beginning at 1:00 at one of our local parks. Its a great park, pretty big and right on the water. A couple thousand people will show up. People grilling out and partying all thru the afternoon until 6. There will be 2 pretty good live bands playing in the outdoor amphitheater playing one right after another. Again,.....public alcohol consumption is not only allowed but encouraged! :laugh: When that ends its back downtown to see some more live bands at a few of our favorite pubs. Fireworks?.......Naw,....I'll be too pooped by then.

Friday will be a day of rest. :cool:

Saturday we will be having our own Independence day celebration at the lake. We will have several pontoon boats tied up together to make our own movable party island,...jet ski's included. Grill out, drink beer, ski, jetski, and swim. early afternoon till well into the night. HEY,...nobody can say Im not patriotic! I really take the celebration part of the holiday to heart! :)

Sunday........Lay on couch all day and watch baseball in between fading in and out of sleep.

Dont forget your sunscreen!
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Everybody have a safe and happy 4th! At least for this one day lets all leave politics out of our lives and think about what bonds us together instead of what separates us. We have a LOT more in common than we do not.

Make it a GREAT day!
I try to be accepting and forgiving, but this sounds like one of those non-apology apologies. It sounds like Bin Laden saying, "can't we all just live together" on September 12th.

If you want to apologize, and promise to change your traitorous/genocidal ways, I am all ears.
I try to be accepting and forgiving, but this sounds like one of those non-apology apologies. It sounds like Bin Laden saying, "can't we all just live together" on September 12th.

If you want to apologize, and promise to change your traitorous/genocidal ways, I am all ears.
Apology? What? No apology from me thats for sure,...nor do I expect or want one from anyone else. None was intended. You seem to like to twist posts that are good natured and made in the right spirit of things into something else a lot,...something dark and designed to once again keep people from getting along. Hey,....its your life man,...do what you do,....I guess we all cant be happy and good natured. You should try it some time though,....you may even like it instead of always being so miserable.
Apology? What? No apology from me thats for sure,...nor do I expect or want one from anyone else. None was intended. You seem to like to twist posts that are good natured and made in the right spirit of things into something else a lot,...something dark and designed to once again keep people from getting along. Hey,....its your life man,...do what you do,....I guess we all cant be happy and good natured. You should try it some time though,....you may even like it instead of always being so miserable.
Amen to all that...
And another thing.....The Brewers are in FIRST sitting at 17 OVER .500 and the rotten no good evil dirty (*%*&^ ^%@^%#&^ ^^*^%*&^$ Cubs are in LAST place! THAT in itself is cause for celebration ! Those Brew city boys are a real blast to watch this year. They play a VERY aggressive fast paced brand of ball and aint taking shit from NOBODY! Highly entertaining. They are so young they dont know they arent supposed to be THIS good so soon,...they just expect to be!
Everybody have a safe and happy 4th! At least for this one day lets all leave politics out of our lives and think about what bonds us together instead of what separates us. We have a LOT more in common than we do not.

Make it a GREAT day!

Yet another Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist & those crooks on Capital Hill Fourth Reich July where George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam for the national religion of Christiananality pedophilia thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glorys - old testament arsonists ChristHitler Islamidiotocracy Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom enforcement for their not so master race of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom...
Apology? What? No apology from me thats for sure,
That is your decision.

I have noticed that there never is one word of gratitude to America. He claims his hatred of most Americans is "happy and good natured", but I do not see how that is possible.

I know most people focus on Stone's hatred and open treason, but what always shocks me is his entitlement. It is really ugly.
Asking for forgiveness... I am not a Christian, so maybe I am not right to speak on Christianity... But asking for forgiveness seems central to me in Christianity.

We have trump saying he has never asked for forgiveness of Jesus for anything, nor would he ever, and yet he considers himself to be the "best Christian ever"? And then there is Stone who has called for genocide, and refuses to apologize for that.

Back 15 years ago, I got working papers for the EU out of a German Consulate. The Germans took me into a conference room, and mentioned that my cousin had gotten German citizenship, and that because we shared the same relative, I could get German citizenship with just a signature. They could literally do it within an hour, and then I could work anywhere in the EU forever. I do not want dual citizenship messing up anything I might do in the USA, so I declined.

But the end of the story is a 20-something German consulate worker ended the conversation with a two minute solemn apology for the Holocaust. It was odd, but showed the difference between Germans and the Neo-Nazis.
Try it some time old sourpuss. Smiling is healthy! :laugh:

"Shiny happy people"(literally in Chinese) is what the post 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre government propaganda demanded. It is a rougher translation of what the Nazis said after they had removed all the Jews from an area.

When someone who has done things wrong tells you to be happy, realize what they are doing.

According to some reports, the phrase "shiny happy people" was taken from Chinese propaganda posters used after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.[16][12]
Asking for forgiveness... I am not a Christian, so maybe I am not right to speak on Christianity... But asking for forgiveness seems central to me in Christianity.

We have trump saying he has never asked for forgiveness of Jesus for anything, nor would he ever, and yet he considers himself to be the "best Christian ever"? And then there is Stone who has called for genocide, and refuses to apologize for that.

Back 15 years ago, I got working papers for the EU out of a German Consulate. The Germans took me into a conference room, and mentioned that my cousin had gotten German citizenship, and that because we shared the same relative, I could get German citizenship with just a signature. They could literally do it within an hour, and then I could work anywhere in the EU forever. I do not want dual citizenship messing up anything I might do in the USA, so I declined.

But the end of the story is a 20-something German consulate worker ended the conversation with a two minute solemn apology for the Holocaust. It was odd, but showed the difference between Germans and the Neo-Nazis.

Well,...I have to get ready. Everybody have fun today,...even you Wally. While most will be out doing things with the family and community I sure hope you dont end up staying home counting your pieces of silver. That would bring on the sads in almost anybody. Im out.......