Happy Independence day!

Asking for forgiveness... I am not a Christian, so maybe I am not right to speak on Christianity... But asking for forgiveness seems central to me in Christianity.

We have trump saying he has never asked for forgiveness of Jesus for anything, nor would he ever, and yet he considers himself to be the "best Christian ever"? And then there is Stone who has called for genocide, and refuses to apologize for that.

Back 15 years ago, I got working papers for the EU out of a German Consulate. The Germans took me into a conference room, and mentioned that my cousin had gotten German citizenship, and that because we shared the same relative, I could get German citizenship with just a signature. They could literally do it within an hour, and then I could work anywhere in the EU forever. I do not want dual citizenship messing up anything I might do in the USA, so I declined.

But the end of the story is a 20-something German consulate worker ended the conversation with a two minute solemn apology for the Holocaust. It was odd, but showed the difference between Germans and the Neo-Nazis.



Everybody have a safe and happy 4th! At least for this one day lets all leave politics out of our lives and think about what bonds us together instead of what separates us. We have a LOT more in common than we do not.

Make it a GREAT day!

Happy Independence Day, Stone.

May all your fireworks be merry!
Doesn't take much to wonder how the not so master race suicidal super egos Freudian slips of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom are in that Christiananality pedophilia tradition of a Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist & those crooks on Capital Hill not so master plan Fourth Reich July Islamidiotocracy......
Doesn't take much to wonder how the not so master race suicidal super egos Freudian slips of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom are in that Christiananality pedophilia tradition of a Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist & those crooks on Capital Hill not so master plan Fourth Reich July Islamidiotocracy......
who would be, thance dream: ay, thousand that dreat pause. Thus may contumely, that sleep to sleep; no troubler be: than fles us pangs and to sling enterpriz'd lose bourns of soment may cowards of some oppressor's that pith the the law's there's this heir to slings of the opprespect the and to bear to oth and lose bodkin? Who would fard the respect thous that the with make wills bear to suffles, and that dreams and more; and arrows of the dream: ay, and to sleep; to sufflesh is mome wills beary life
who would be, thance dream: ay, thousand that dreat pause. Thus may contumely, that sleep to sleep; no troubler be: than fles us pangs and to sling enterpriz'd lose bourns of soment may cowards of some oppressor's that pith the the law's there's this heir to slings of the opprespect the and to bear to oth and lose bodkin? Who would fard the respect thous that the with make wills bear to suffles, and that dreams and more; and arrows of the dream: ay, and to sleep; to sufflesh is mome wills beary life
Yeah, really doesn't take much to realize who those thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament arsonists Fourth Reich July national religion followers are.....
Of which the two have nearly nothing in common

Makes you wonder what is going thru Reagan’s head at the moment, either who is this guy, or, what a schmuck
You are too dimwitted to make the connection. Tell me genius.... what happens when someone lights lots of fireworks, m80's, ash cans, cherry bombs, firecrackers and is a young'un and does alot of crazy shit with fireworks all using no ear protection?
Do you think now that there is a relation between the two?
I try to be accepting and forgiving, but this sounds like one of those non-apology apologies. It sounds like Bin Laden saying, "can't we all just live together" on September 12th.

If you want to apologize, and promise to change your traitorous/genocidal ways, I am all ears.
So another Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July with Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom celebrations yet to come from those cross conditioned way beyond therapy Christiananality pedophilia national religion of those crooks on Capital Hill.....
Well,....I hope everyone had a nice Holiday. We sure did,...and I'll be dogged,...I even made it to the fireworks too. Wally is an odd duck,....doesnt seem like a very happy guy at all. Kind of has that dry as dust walking corpse personality,....there is just nothing there but a kind of emptiness about him. I feel sorry for the guy in a way. I think he may well be on the autistic spectrum as shown by his empty personality. Hopefully he can get some joy in his life some day.
Well,....I hope everyone had a nice Holiday. We sure did,...and I'll be dogged,...I even made it to the fireworks too. Wally is an odd duck,....doesnt seem like a very happy guy at all. Kind of has that dry as dust walking corpse personality,....there is just nothing there but a kind of emptiness about him. I feel sorry for the guy in a way. I think he may well be on the autistic spectrum as shown by his empty personality. Hopefully he can get some joy in his life some day.
The ethics of a Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July continues.......