Happy International Women's Day


Willin to be Chillin
Happy International Women's Day!

Women are awesome!

At being in the kitchen and making me a sammich :bleh:
Wouldn't it be awesome if your woman would make you a sammich that would keep you busy for a day or two so you could just chill, have a beer binge Netflix or play video games?

I know that is what Rana wants for her man.
I am incensed simply incensed, there are special days for all kinds of people, how about a special day for old fat retired GI's?
I am incensed simply incensed, there are special days for all kinds of people, how about a special day for old fat retired GI's?

At least you have Veterans Day. As to the fat, well that is everyday special day in America....

Ill have a triple cheese burger with bacon, onion rings, large fry and a diet coke...
At least you have Veterans Day. As to the fat, well that is everyday special day in America....

Ill have a triple cheese burger with bacon, onion rings, large fry and a diet coke...

Make mine a Whopper with cheese and bacon small fries and sweet tea.
No, but you can smoke with me.

That would be so awesome. I be we would find we are spirit creatures and not these JPP creatures who too often dwell in the muck. Does your husband partake?

I'll build us a yurt and we can really enjoy life without most modrrn conveniences. If you never tried, I recommend it. Don't need a yurt... a tent, TP, whatever will do.

Sometimes, partaking in the city stresses me out, but not the country side or other non crowded places.
That would be so awesome. I be we would find we are spirit creatures and not these JPP creatures who too often dwell in the muck. Does your husband partake?

I'll build us a yurt and we can really enjoy life without most modrrn conveniences. If you never tried, I recommend it. Don't need a yurt... a tent, TP, whatever will do.

Sometimes, partaking in the city stresses me out, but not the country side or other non crowded places.
No, he did till his slope job, and now he claims it makes him too paranoid.

I enjoy weed wherever I partake!
No, he did till his slope job, and now he claims it makes him too paranoid.

I enjoy weed wherever I partake!

You, Grind, me... We can change the world!

I want to try peyote. Did acid a few times in HS and it was awesome. But then in college my friend basically pressured me to do it again right before summer break and I kept saying no, then I stupidly relented and had the worse trip ever and have never touched it again.

Edit: It was my freshman year and I was headed overseas where there was absolutely no drugs or alcohol allowed and he wanted me to live it up.

When I came back,