Happy International Women's Day

In Russia, they treat this holiday with the utmost respect, it is a national holiday, and it is considered in remarkably poor taste to make sexist jokes about this holiday. But obviously, there is no accounting for taste when you get into the realm of barely educated Trump boot-lickers.
East Slavic women expect to get showered with gifts and flowers. If my cousins Verusha, Marina, and Lena do not get roses from their boyfriends, those dudes are going to have to really work to get out of the dog house!
In Russia, they treat this holiday with the utmost respect, it is a national holiday, and it is considered in remarkably poor taste to make sexist jokes about this holiday. But obviously, there is no accounting for taste when you get into the realm of barely educated Trump boot-lickers.
East Slavic women expect to get showered with gifts and flowers. If my cousins Verusha, Marina, and Lena do not get roses from their boyfriends, those dudes are going to have to really work to get out of the dog house!

When did they start treating women with respect in Russia?
When did they start treating women with respect in Russia?

You are going to have to post under your real handle, and not a troll handle, if you expect to have any hope of engaging with me.

My rule of thumb is that racists, trolls, bigots, dunces, libelers, and slanderers are not worthy of my time or attention.

Men of any country can be pigs. But I actually cannot see Donald Trump reading poetry to the female citizens of his nation. The fact that a repugnant authoritarian hard ass like Vladimir Putin can read poetry to the citizens of his nation, I believe speaks to the Russian character and affinity for sentimentality and poetry.

In Putin's Address to the nation on International Women's day, he quoted Russian Silver Age poet Konstantin Balmont:
"A woman – with us when we are born,
A woman – with us in our last hour,
A woman – our standard during battle,
A woman – the joy of open eyes," Putin quoted.
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Wouldn't it be awesome if your woman would make you a sammich that would keep you busy for a day or two so you could just chill, have a beer binge Netflix or play video games?

I know that is what Rana wants for her man.

women don't understand if they did just this like one time... that buys them another month out of us easily. just for one god damn sandwhich and cold beer day.
LOL! They're my favorite, too, and easy to make. My husband used to love them.

Is your husband with us or just doesn't like Reubens anymore?

For me, I find them hard to make because where I live or have lived, it is hard to get high quality deli meat that most Jewish delis have. Also, I can't for the life of me get the sauce right. What is your secret?
women don't understand if they did just this like one time... that buys them another month out of us easily. just for one god damn sandwhich and cold beer day.

We men are complicatedly simple.

Wouldn't it be epic if Rana, you and I got together in some far off place or a coffee shop and partook of the holy herb? I bet we would be surprised at how we viewed each other online. And then we could join together and rule the world.
In all seriousness, women are amazing.

Men think they are strong just because of muskels, but Olive owned Popeye. Most people miss this fact.
Is your husband with us or just doesn't like Reubens anymore?

For me, I find them hard to make because where I live or have lived, it is hard to get high quality deli meat that most Jewish delis have. Also, I can't for the life of me get the sauce right. What is your secret?

He passed away 11 years ago.

We, surprisingly, have a great deli in Portland. It's very hard to find good quality ones. I could never get the sauce just right, either. I just used 1,000 Island dressing from the store and it worked out pretty good!
He passed away 11 years ago.

We, surprisingly, have a great deli in Portland. It's very hard to find good quality ones. I could never get the sauce just right, either. I just used 1,000 Island dressing from the store and it worked out pretty good!

May you be stronger for your loss.

What is hilarious is that I went to Uni up there and had a favorite Jewish deli that made the best Reuban I ever had. And told my dad about it and couldn't believe it was Portland . Course haven't been to NY deli, but I liked it better than the LA deli.

Wonder if it is the same one...
Russian Dressing:

2 cups mayonnaise

3/4 cup chili sauce

4 tablespoons sour cream

2 tablespoons ' chopped curly parsley
‘2 tablespoons minced ‘onion
3 tablespoons minced dill pickle

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

1 'teaspoon grated horseradish

1 /2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
May you be stronger for your loss.

What is hilarious is that I went to Uni up there and had a favorite Jewish deli that made the best Reuban I ever had. And told my dad about it and couldn't believe it was Portland . Course haven't been to NY deli, but I liked it better than the LA deli.

Wonder if it is the same one...

Thank you very much! I feel it has made me stronger in some ways.

LOL! That's pretty awesome! Portland can surprise you and every once in a while, you can find a true gem.

It could have been the same one. I just can't remember the name of it.
Russian Dressing:

2 cups mayonnaise

3/4 cup chili sauce

4 tablespoons sour cream

2 tablespoons ' chopped curly parsley
‘2 tablespoons minced ‘onion
3 tablespoons minced dill pickle

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

1 'teaspoon grated horseradish

1 /2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Oh, that sounds delicious! Thank you!
We've just missed St David's Day/Dydd Gwyl Dewi, our National Day. Under our old law, divorce was quite easy, and the property was shared under fixed rules. One reason a woman could claim divorce was if her husband had bad breath! I wonder how some of the sandwich(?)-eaters would have fared!
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Thank you very much! I feel it has made me stronger in some ways.

LOL! That's pretty awesome! Portland can surprise you and every once in a while, you can find a true gem.

It could have been the same one. I just can't remember the name of it.

Did it start with an R? My feeble brain keeps saying Rose's, but then I live in So Cal most of the time and I think Mexican food.

Anyway, cool that we both shared an awesome experience up there.
Did it start with an R? My feeble brain keeps saying Rose's, but then I live in So Cal most of the time and I think Mexican food.

Anyway, cool that we both shared an awesome experience up there.

YES!! It was Rose's Foods down on Forest Ave. That place is the best. My son has an appointment in Portland soon, so I should stop in there. It's still open!

That is really cool that we have shared an experience like that!