Happy National Friendship Day!


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Every first Sunday in August is known as being or honored as National Friendship Day.

Being the friendly, concerning and loving Christian, I would love to offer my overly friendly nature by extending my friendship to every single member on this forum, and that extension even goes out to those of you on the LEFT that may not be friendly at all, or perhaps are trying your best to at least put a smile on your face despite your
nasty unfriendly attacks on Donald Trump and on we Republican deplorables.:good4u:
Every first Sunday in August is known as being or honored as National Friendship Day.

Being the friendly, concerning and loving Christian, I would love to offer my overly friendly nature by extending my friendship to every single member on this forum, and that extension even goes out to those of you on the LEFT that may not be friendly at all, or perhaps are trying your best to at least put a smile on your face despite your
nasty unfriendly attacks on Donald Trump and on we Republican deplorables.:good4u:

As a loving Christian can you drop your "hater" attitude?
My friends like truth
Do you like truth?


So much for friendship... Now, let's get back to tearing each other apart over our political differences like normal people...
Every first Sunday in August is known as being or honored as National Friendship Day.

Being the friendly, concerning and loving Christian, I would love to offer my overly friendly nature by extending my friendship to every single member on this forum, and that extension even goes out to those of you on the LEFT that may not be friendly at all, or perhaps are trying your best to at least put a smile on your face despite your
nasty unfriendly attacks on Donald Trump and on we Republican deplorables.:good4u:

Irony noted. Seriously, do you right wingers lie just for fun?
Irony noted. Seriously, do you right wingers lie just for fun?

We right wingers don't lie about anything, unlike how the LEFT lied about Trump's collusion with the Ruskies, or with every single lie that comes out of dementia joe's mouth, such as how he continues to lie about him having no part in Hunter's bribery schemes.
We right wingers don't lie about anything, unlike how the LEFT lied about Trump's collusion with the Ruskies, or with every single lie that comes out of dementia joe's mouth, such as how he continues to lie about him having no part in Hunter's bribery schemes.

I see. As a "libhater" you praise friendship. Very clear.
Every first Sunday in August is known as being or honored as National Friendship Day.

Being the friendly, concerning and loving Christian, I would love to offer my overly friendly nature by extending my friendship to every single member on this forum, and that extension even goes out to those of you on the LEFT that may not be friendly at all, or perhaps are trying your best to at least put a smile on your face despite your
nasty unfriendly attacks on Donald Trump and on we Republican deplorables.:good4u:

Sure Pal! We are all friends here! Thanks! :good4u:

Some friends just treat their forum friends better than others.
Every first Sunday in August is known as being or honored as National Friendship Day.

Being the friendly, concerning and loving Christian, I would love to offer my overly friendly nature by extending my friendship to every single member on this forum, and that extension even goes out to those of you on the LEFT that may not be friendly at all, or perhaps are trying your best to at least put a smile on your face despite your
nasty unfriendly attacks on Donald Trump and on we Republican deplorables.:good4u:

Evidently you have never served in the military, you are just a flag waving phony who sounds like aka terry for trump/great american
Evidently you have never served in the military, you are just a flag waving phony who sounds like aka terry for trump/great american

I'm a combat veteran of the Vietnam war who is anything but ashamed to go along with all of the great MAGA people who proudly wave the American flag, whereas, the Left does nothing but burn the American flag or they kneel in disrespect of our national anthem, or burn down statutes of many if not all of our founding fathers.
Evidently you have never served in the military, you are just a flag waving phony who sounds like aka terry for trump/great american

I'm a combat veteran of the Vietnam war who is anything but ashamed to go along with all of the great MAGA people who proudly wave the American flag, whereas, the Left does nothing but burn the American flag or they kneel in disrespect of our national anthem, or burn down statutes of many if not all of our founding fathers.

How many (if any) biden supporters have you seen waving the American flag? Close to zero, eh fella? Lefties are anti American to the max, and obama showed just how much he despised America with a speech in Europe where he degraded America with almost every word.
I'm a combat veteran of the Vietnam war who is anything but ashamed to go along with all of the great MAGA people who proudly wave the American flag, whereas, the Left does nothing but burn the American flag or they kneel in disrespect of our national anthem, or burn down statutes of many if not all of our founding fathers.

I'm a combat veteran of the Vietnam war

yea I'm sure you are :palm:
Oh great a half-assed olive branch from hater boy. You spoke of friendship and gave a passive-aggressive backhanded smack. So Christiany.