Happy National Friendship Day!

Oh great a half-assed olive branch from hater boy. You spoke of friendship and gave a passive-aggressive backhanded smack. So Christiany.

Is this your attempt to reach out to me in a friendly manner? If so, I'm not quite ready to believe it.
yea I'm sure you are :palm:

As a matter of fact, I was wounded in battle with a 100% disability rating. I served in the 101st Airborne, 2nd of the 502. Stationed up in Phu Bai--near Hue
and the DMZ. Most of my duty was served up and around the dangerous A-Shau Valley. Now give us your Nam history--if any at all.
Every first Sunday in August is known as being or honored as National Friendship Day.

Being the friendly, concerning and loving Christian, I would love to offer my overly friendly nature by extending my friendship to every single member on this forum, and that extension even goes out to those of you on the LEFT that may not be friendly at all, or perhaps are trying your best to at least put a smile on your face despite your
nasty unfriendly attacks on Donald Trump and on we Republican deplorables.:good4u:

Happy friendship day to all my JPP friends.