Happy Pride!!

Yes you have.

Post Modern Prophet brings up the rear.

I have no problem with naked Hunter Biden being proud of his sexual mistakes.......

The Alt-Right haters care. :)

I'm not really a man or naked. Sorry to disappoint.

Anyone here ever actually attended a pride parade?

In the style of Trump Truth Social.

Happy pride month to everyone including the human scum RON (lil Ron Ron) DESANTIS who is an incredibly conflicted short man and the UNSUPREME court justices Clarence (Walmart parking lot) Thomas and Samuel (my wife did it) Alito!!

I could go on but you get the idea. I wear pride gear daily, even my phone and watch are rainbow themed. Screw the haters.

Hey,....whatever fags do is their business I guess. But I dont need to see it. They can hump each other till they go blind for all I care as long as they keep it in the closet where it belongs. No NORMAL person wants to be around it. Disgusting.

Arguing with Mr. Tiny Penis is a waste of your time. He is riddled with TDS and he thinks WHITE SUPREMACISTS are living under his bed. Best to leave him alone and let him continue to admire himself in his bathroom mirror.

If they are cunts like you then fuck 'em.

Which one is you? Just curious...


Nothing quite like a sex parade to liven things up. They should be more inclusive though, and invite the swingers, hookers, massage parlors, and other sex workers and deviant sex proclivities to participate too.

The fag crowd get a whole month (June) while those who died fighting for this country only get one (Memorial) day...

Remember all the way back to when we were jamming 15 year olds up for dressing slutty.

The Good Old Days.


Some of those guys looks desperate for a decent meal.
We're Americans.
We're not supposed to look like that.

At least the broad in the red swimsuit isn't starving herself.

The Alt-Lefters seem to care much more. Who was it who purposely made a thread about it???

Oh wait...............
Joined only a few months ago. Quit your bitching a*******.

Seems we have a very sensitive incel on our hands..