Happy St Patrick's Day!

No, but they used to have a law that when a young woman became engaged to be married, she had to submit herself to the loyal English Lord for sex. The official reason was that English were trying to improve the genetics of the lower classes, but the real reason was that the English gals were so damn ugly compared to the Irish ones.

*waits for Tom's sanitized version of British history.*

Isn't that exactly what used to happen on the slave plantations in good ol' Dixie.
Just to check, can you rewrite this in English?

If one preposition is good then, using American logic, three together must be heaven. In London the only thing you get three together is buses and none of them go where you want to go!
Abraham Lincoln wasn't exactly the great emancipator that he is often portrayed to be, although he hated slavery he also considered blacks to be racially inferior and advocated their repatriation back to Africa.


The same might be said for yanks. Indeed, as we speak, teams of social workers are scouring the streets of Kowloon looking for them. A row boat is standing by in the harbour in which any that are found will be placed for the long journey home. Being an entrepreneural city, we are charging them for the oars. (Should be easy enough, they'll be outside territorial waters before they realise they can't shag them!)
Yes! And the plantation owners were Brits. They were also Democrats.

Hells bells to that-the fucking Brits were one of the very dicks that introduced African slavery to their North American colonies~ That's one of their historical constributions to mankind don't ya know-well that and ugly teeth!
Hells bells to that-the fucking Brits were one of the very dicks that introduced African slavery to their North American colonies~ That's one of their historical constributions to mankind don't ya know-well that and ugly teeth!

The British also won the 'American' War of Independence.
1,800 of my fellow countrymen dead fighting you terrorists. There's a pit in hell specially dug for you Papist faggot lovers. May God not have mercy on your souls.
And they were talking about the Scottish, not the Irish, you idiot. And that was the Scottish in the 1300's. The English didn't take Ireland until the 1600's.
No, but they used to have a law that when a young woman became engaged to be married, she had to submit herself to the loyal English Lord for sex. The official reason was that English were trying to improve the genetics of the lower classes, but the real reason was that the English gals were so damn ugly compared to the Irish ones.

*waits for Tom's sanitized version of British history.*
Dude, you really need to stick to engineering. History isn't your thing.
Dude, you really need to stick to engineering. History isn't your thing.
Meh, so my memory was a bit off. It was the Viking invaders, not the British invaders.

In the eighth century in the Annals of the monastery Clonmacnosie (Ireland), the Vikings are accused of demanding the right of the first night from Christian brides: "the cheefe Gouvernour of them should have the bestowinge of any woman in the k'dom the first night after her marriage, so before her own husband should have carnal knowledge of her, to whom he pleased or keep her ... (Indecipherable. Part of page-end frayed) to himself by night, to satisfy his lust"