Hark, be not afraid.

we are indeed under command to be not afraid. we must be careful to not confuse that with due diligence in the light of imminent dangers. though we as individuals may have been converted and understand the difference between good and evil. there is an adversary seeking our destruction....... 8,9. http://biblehub.com/kjv/1_peter/5.htm the global director of universal evil is barack hussein obama and he has sown many seeds of revolution in the earth which are ready to give fruit. when do plantings produce fruit naturally ? in the summer.

You are absolutely out of your fucking mind, gomer...
????....not one person here has made any attempt to justify fear.......there have been a few who have attempted to justify a few lessons in exegesis in your future......

J Rod is stuck on this fear thing. Because he fears the presumptive frontrunner is in trouble he is trying to defuse the horrid record the dems in general and hrc specifically have. It's desperate but it's all they've got.
J Rod is stuck on this fear thing. Because he fears the presumptive frontrunner is in trouble he is trying to defuse the horrid record the dems in general and hrc specifically have. It's desperate but it's all they've got.

so his argument is that the angels appeared to the shepherds of Bethlehem to tell them not to vote for Trump?.......
Funny...You never seem to "mistype" any other time... But here the next day you correct your confession of to going to a well known racist site after thinking about what you revealed about yourself...
Didn't you like circle jerking with other racists there, who share your racist views?

Actually I do it quite a bit. Particularly from my iPad. You are gonna believe what you wanna believe sugar tits. So it matters little to me
Was he yelling ?.....did anyone else hear him ?

Poor Jughead.

No the command was issued first at the birth of Jesus to all of mankind.... Then reissued and stated many times in the New Testament. More than anywhere else in the bible.
You know what I always say, "better God than meth" but the sad thing is, people who have abusive personalities, it doesn't matter the cause or the drug, they are going to overdo it.

So in other words gomer was once all fucked up on drugs ...and now he is all fucked up on Jeeeeeeesus?...
Got it...
In any case, he is absolutely insane...
No the command was issued first at the birth of Jesus to all of mankind.... Then reissued and stated many times in the New Testament. More than anywhere else in the bible.

Lots in the OT as well and if they were not talking the other fear (of God) which isn't fear as you know it they ARE clear about what you need not fear and why. As are the angels in your one instance.
Buckie.....just because it works that way for you doesn't mean you can apply it to everyone......

I don't see a moron in the mirror ...I don[t see Truth Detector ... He does...

BTW Pastor... Do you consider Truth Detector to be a racist?...along with Chopped Liver StormeX and ILA?
If you don't answer we will understand that you agree 100% with their disgusting, racist views...
Thanks for playing PMP is a closeted racist...
Children Murdered By Their Christian Parents Memorial Page

Date of
Name of Child Age Death Circumstances
Antonio Lopez 9 July 19, 2005 Magdalena Lopez murdered her two sons
Erik Lopez 2 July 19, 2005 Antonio and Erik on July 19, 2005 in Dyer,
Indiana. Police reported that she beat her
two sons to death with a ten-pound
dumbbell because she thought they'd be
better off in heaven. Both deaths were
caused by massive skull fractures. Mrs.
Lopez was quoted as saying, "They're in a
much better place now."

Margaret Schlosser 10mo Nov 23, 2004 Suffering from postpartum depression,
Dena Schlosser severed both of her
daughter's arms in Plano, Texas on
November 23, 2004; in a bout of
religious fervor. Ten month old
Margaret did not survive.

Joshua Keith Laney 8 May 10, 2003 Suffering from postpartum depression, an
Luke Allen Laney 6 May 10, 2003 intensely devout Deanna Laney murdered
two of her sons and severely injured a third
near Tyler, Texas on May 10, 2003. She
was found not guilty by reason of insanity,
and is now (2006) in the state mental
facility at Rusk, Texas.

Samantha Mae Martin 6 Mar 29, 2002 Sherry Marie Delker murdered her daughter
Samantha on March 29, 2002 in
Austintown, Ohio. Mrs. Delker admitted
to running her daughter down with her car
outside a church. Police said she wanted
to send her daughter to a "better place."
Sherry Delker is now serving twenty
years to life in prison.

Noah Yates 7 June 20, 2001 A severely depressed Andrea Pia Yates
John Yates 5 June 20, 2001 drowned her five children Noah, John,
Paul Yates 3 June 20, 2001 Paul, Luke, and Mary in the bathtub of
Luke Yates 2 June 20, 2001 her Clearlake area home in Houston,
Mary Yates 6mo June 20, 2001 Texas, on June 20, 2001. Although Mrs.
Yates was found guilty on two counts
of capital murder, she now (February 2006)
awaits a second trial in Houston. Her
first conviction being overturned due
to erroneous testimony by psychiatrist
Dr. Park Dietz.

Nicholas Lemak 7 Mar 4, 1999 Marilyn Lemak murdered her three children
Emily Lemak 6 Mar 4, 1999 on March 4, 1999 in their Naperville,
Thomas Lemak 3 Mar 4, 1999 Illinois home. Mrs. Lemak feed the children
peanut butter laced with antidepressants,
laid them down to sleep, then smothered
them with her hands. She wanted to kill
the children and herself so they could
be reunited in a happier place. "She
perceived herself as a loving mother
tenderly taking her children into another
existence," stated psychiatrist Philip

Kouaeai Hang 11 Sept 3, 1998 On September 3, 1998, Khoua Her
Samson Hang 9 Sept 3, 1998 strangled her six children in St. Paul,
Nali Hang 8 Sept 3, 1998 Minnesota. She then hanged herself in a
Tang Lung Hang 7 Sept 3, 1998 failed suicide attempt. Khoua had become a
Aee Hang 6 Sept 3, 1998 Christian after immigrating to the United
Tung Hang 5 Sept 3, 1998 States, and thought she would be reunited
with the children in the afterlife.
Prosecuter Chris Wilton stated, "I know
that she did this for religious reasons."
Khoua Her was sentenced to fifty years
in prison.

Justin Thomas Riggs 5 Nov 4, 1997 Christina Marie Riggs smothered her two
Shelby Alexis Riggs 2 Nov 4, 1997 children Justin and Shelby with a pillow in
Sherwood, Arkansas. She then attempted
suicide by swallowing twenty-eight Elavil
tablets and injecting enough potassium
chloride to kill five people. Incredibly,
she survived. Although the motivation for
this crime appears to be the unhappy
circumstances of Mrs. Riggs life, there is
evidence that her religious beliefs as a
minimum made the crime easier to commit.
She requested and received the death
penalty, then fought for her right to
die. From death row, she told an
interviewer, "I'll be with my children and
with God. I'll be where there's no more
pain. Maybe I'll find some peace." She
was executed by lethal injection outside
Pine Bluff, Arkansas, on May 3rd of 2000.
In her last statement she proclaimed, "Now
I can be with my babies, as I always

Christina Gindorf 23mo Mar 28, 1985 Suffering from postpartum depression and
Jason Gindorf 3mo Mar 28, 1985 feeling totally alone and helpless in the
world, Debra Lynn Gindorf fed her twenty-
three month old daughter Christina and three
month old son Jason lethal doses of crushed
sleeping pills in a cup of juice. She then
unsuccessfully attempted suicide. She
believed she and her babies would be
reunited in heaven, where they would be
safe and happy together for eternity.
Be afraid...

Son beaten to death because he wanted to leave church: police

Clockwise from top left) Bruce Leonard, Deborah Leonard, Sarah Ferguson, David Morey, Linda Morey, Joseph Irwin.
A couple belonging to a cult-like Christian church brutally beat their older son to death during a “counseling session” over his desire to split from the insular fold, authorities said Friday.

Congregants at the Word of Life Christian Church in New Hartford said the session was called Sunday because Lucas Leonard, 19, wanted to move on with his life, according to Police Chief Michael Inserra.

“We still have not concluded why the session turned so violent,” Inserra said before a court hearing for Bruce Leonard, 65, and Deborah Leonard, 59, who are charged with manslaughter.

Modal Trigger
Police knock on the door of the Word of Life church on Oct. 15.Photo: AP
Lucas was killed and his 17-year-old brother, Christopher, was seriously injured when they were punched, kicked and whipped with computer cords over 10 hours. The brutal counseling session lasted from about 9 p.m. Sunday to 7 a.m. Monday, according to Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara.

Their sister, Sarah Ferguson, 33, and three other people are charged with assault. Also charged are Joseph Irwin, 26, of Chadwicks; and David Morey, 26, and Linda Morey, 54, both of Utica.

The parents appeared in court Friday for a hearing on whether there was enough evidence for the case to move forward. During the hearing, church member Daniel Irwin said he saw a bleeding Lucas rolling on the floor after his dad struck him with what appeared to be a belt.

Deborah Leonard gazed down, her long, graying hair hanging in front of her face, as a cop testified about photographs he took of Lucas’ battered body. She didn’t anticipate how vicious the “intervention” would become and didn’t “have the mental toughness to stand up and say, ‘Wait a minute — this is going too far,’ ” said her lawyer, Devin Garramone.

Bruce Leonard’s lawyer, Donald Gerace, said what happened was a family matter not connected to the church — and that the couple had no intention of seriously injuring their sons.

Modal Trigger
The Leonard family home in Clayville, NY.Photo: AP
“There is absolutely no evidence to corroborate that allegation. None,” McNamara told the Utica Observer-Dispatch. “What I’m most concerned with is that I have a 17-year-old victim who is laying in the hospital and is it right, fair or appropriate for (any media outlet) to say he’s a child molester when there’s no proof of that?”

Several children were removed from the church and handed over to the Oneida County Child Protective Services, according to reports.

Meanwhile, police sought to dispel rumors that the boys were being punished for sexually abusing kids.

“These were the victims of a brutal, heinous crime,” Lt. Timothy O’Neill told The Post about the tragic brothers, explaining that the sex-abuse allegations emerged because of what the parents told hospital officials. “There is absolutely no evidence that [Lucas and Christopher] molested children.”
Christians at worship ...be afraid for their children...

Faith-Healing Parents Jailed After Second Child’s Death
Eliana Dockterman @edockterman Feb. 19, 2014

Catherine Schaible walks from the criminal justice center Feb. 19, 2014, in Philadelphia.
Two young children died after parents refused to treat them with medicine

A Pennsylvania mother and father who believe in faith-healing were sent to jail Wednesday for causing the death of their young, sick child by refusing to take him to the doctor. It was the second of Herbert and Catherine Schaible’s children to die under their care.

“You’ve killed two of your children…not God, not your church, not religious devotion — you,” Philadelphia Judge Benjamin Lerner told the couple, as he sentenced them to between three and a half and seven years behind bars. The Schaibles pled no contest to third-degree murder in their eight-month-old son Brandon’s death last year from pneumonia.

The Schaibles lost a first child in 2009, a two-year-old who died from pneumonia. They were sentenced to ten years probation for involuntary manslaughter for that death. Part of their probation stated that they must seek medical care if another one of their children became sick.

Herbert Schaible told police last year that medicine violates their religious beliefs. “We believe in divine healing, the Jesus shed blood for our healing and that he died on the cross to break the devil’s power,” he said.

The couple belongs to a small Pentacostal community. They have seven surviving children.