He admitted he changed his post, lady...
What are you talking about, child?
He admitted he changed his post, lady...
we are indeed under command to be not afraid. we must be careful to not confuse that with due diligence in the light of imminent dangers. though we as individuals may have been converted and understand the difference between good and evil. there is an adversary seeking our destruction....... 8,9. the global director of universal evil is barack hussein obama and he has sown many seeds of revolution in the earth which are ready to give fruit. when do plantings produce fruit naturally ? in the summer.
????....not one person here has made any attempt to justify fear.......there have been a few who have attempted to justify a few lessons in exegesis in your future......
J Rod is stuck on this fear thing. Because he fears the presumptive frontrunner is in trouble he is trying to defuse the horrid record the dems in general and hrc specifically have. It's desperate but it's all they've got.
You are absolutely out of your fucking mind, gomer...
You know what I always say, "better God than meth" but the sad thing is, people who have abusive personalities, it doesn't matter the cause or the drug, they are going to overdo it.
Funny...You never seem to "mistype" any other time... But here the next day you correct your confession of to going to a well known racist site after thinking about what you revealed about yourself...
Didn't you like circle jerking with other racists there, who share your racist views?
I disagree, I think the angel, in a broader sense, was talking to all of Mankind.
Actually I do it quite a bit. Particularly from my iPad. You are gonna believe what you wanna believe sugar tits. So it matters little to me
Was he yelling ?.....did anyone else hear him ?
Poor Jughead.
I sense another frightened racist member...
You know what I always say, "better God than meth" but the sad thing is, people who have abusive personalities, it doesn't matter the cause or the drug, they are going to overdo it.
Looking in the mirror again I see. Moron.
No. You see when you look in the mirror and see a moron ...
that moron is Truth Detector.
So in other words gomer was once all fucked up on drugs ...and now he is all fucked up on Jeeeeeeesus?...
Got it...
In any case, he is absolutely insane...
No the command was issued first at the birth of Jesus to all of mankind.... Then reissued and stated many times in the New Testament. More than anywhere else in the bible.
Buckie.....just because it works that way for you doesn't mean you can apply it to everyone......