You are an Ignorant racistNether is Tubman...she is only half American
You are an Ignorant racistNether is Tubman...she is only half American
Yet another Lefty Lie....Trump had nothing to do with it other that delaying the implementation of the decision that had already been was supposed to get done under Obama but they were slow and then decided to leave it for Clinton.
Has Trump actually paid for anything in his life?
what a stupid comment. Trump has paid for everything he has, and he has a lot. He also pays a lot to his employees, many of whom in high positions are black and females.
better question: Has Biden ever actually earned any money? Has he ever met a payroll? Has he paid taxes on the million he got from China?
Americans rush to dump, remove, and destroy confederate symbols and monuments AND at the same time finally come to recognize confederate leaders and soldiers as the traitorous vermin they have always been. This is what American students will be taught in American schools .. and to help them understand the horror show that was the confederacy, America is finally acknowledging a real heroine of that era by putting Harriet Tubman on the face of the twenty dollar bill.
Yet another demonstration of a new day, a new era is awakening in this nation. Georgia falls, Mississippi dumps its rebel battle flag, South Carolina following by dumping its confederate garbage AND through reverse migration is reshaping the national political map into Reconstruction Part II.
Thank you Donald trump and his brain dead supporters for your roles in moving America in this direction through your undeniable hate and ungodly ignorance.
PressHarriet Tubman $20 Bill no longer Coming in 2020 Mnuchin says redesign postponed ....
The unveiling had been timed to coincide with the 1100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment which granted women the right to vote. Mnuchin said that the design process has.been delayed and no new imagery will be unveiled until 2028.
Once again the right chimes in with typical bullshit.
Oh, man, he did! What a maroon!Well, he did once claim that you have to show ID to buy groceries.![]()
I just posted the facts! FACT
You dont like the facts since it put holes in the hero myth of Tubman
I think I understand Tubman's life and history pretty well. She wasn't perfect, but neither was or is anyone else. She's certainly a better role model than Andrew Jackson.
Well, he did once claim that you have to show ID to buy groceries.![]()
One way for Blacks to be less discriminated against is to get all Blacks to try not to be seen as a threat of violence or crime. If they did that enough and for long enough, they would not be feared and eventually over years they could be thought of as just as un-threatening or as un-dangerous as Mormons.
It’s hard to see it when it’s happening, but the Trump years may have pushed liberalism justice and A healthier America faster than if Hillary had won, backlash sometimes works well for us.
how long must we cater to minorities rather than treating them as equals? Tell me, now that the monuments are gone, how has your life improved? For those in New Orleans, now that Robert E Lee's statue no longer stands in the center or Lee circle, how is the city better off? please be specific or admit that it made no difference in your lives.
When Harriet Tubman is on the 20 dollar bill it signifies the end of White privilege, right!?
You are an Ignorant racist
You are still an ignorant racist.African American
Harriet Tubman $20 Bill no longer Coming in 2020 Mnuchin says redesign postponed ....
The unveiling had been timed to coincide with the 1100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment which granted women the right to vote. Mnuchin said that the design process has.been delayed and no new imagery will be unveiled until 2028.
Donald trump “Putting Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill is political correctness”
Once again the right chimes in with typical bullshit.
Obama-era officials say Trump administration hasn’t delayed new $20 bill, despite Harriet Tubman firestorm
Three current or former high-ranking government officials who served in the Obama administration, and involved in the design and release of currency, said the Trump administration has not delayed the release of a new $20.
In 2016, President's Barack Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said a "final concept design" of the Tubman $20 would be released in 2020. He asked the government to accelerate the process of the redesign, saying the new look would be released by 2020, the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote.
But inside the agency, some government officials doubted that deadline could be met. A confidential 2013 report by the Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence committee, an interagency group that oversees the redesign of U.S. currency, said the $20 would not enter circulation until 2030, similar to the timeline announced by the Trump administration, according to Larry Felix, director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from 2006 to 2015.
Felix and other senior officials believed it would not be possible to release a “concept” design of Tubman on the $20 in 2020, given that these designs are never released several years — less an entire decade — before they enter circulation.
Felix said he told Treasury officials before leaving in 2015 that their plans to introduce a new $20 design in 2020 were not feasible, given how much security work still had to be done.
That April, Mr. Trump called the change “pure political correctness” and suggested that Tubman, whom he praised, could be added to a far less common denomination, like the $2 bill. “Andrew Jackson had a great history, and I think it’s very rough when you take somebody off the bill,” .
Well, that was quite an inadvertent confession.
Speaking for myself, I don't see a person with dark skin any more frightening than one with white skin. It's what the individual does that makes me perceive them as a threat. Example:
Not scary.
Threatening and scary.