Harris is refused a handshake

Of course not. He’s letting her know not to try it again.

Is that so?

I've heard that Harris never refused a handjob, at least not when it would help her get into politics.



Dude, you really don't want none of me with this white man bs you talking. I mean, your women would rather fuck a nig*** on a bike with one tooth than hook up with a corn fed, ivy league Tesla driving white guy. I mean you don't want none of me on this subject. But especially as a white man, you gotta start wearing John Dear hats starting in elementary school from hair loss....LOL
Damn. This was a savage post. I love it. Tell that dumb fuck white pussy bitch to eat shit. I personally have him on Ignore, but I love to see the takedown.
You keep believing that bullshit of racism had nothing to do with Harris losing last Nov. You know and we all know, had Harris been a white male, Trump would have lost. Its because of this nations refusal to address and have strong debates on racism, it continues to divide us 248 years later.
This post really caught my attention because it's so true. The single greatest stain. The largest unsolved conflict. The existential issue that plagues the US the most is race relations within it. Most especially related to Black people.

As usual -- but moreso pronounced since the age of the Big Mac eating Fat Fuck -- white people don't want to talk about it. They just want to tell people of color how they're allowed to feel. Fuck them. This Trump election is a setback, but it's temporary. He and all his people will be dead in the next 10-20 years. We will retake the country and keep plodding along. Progressivism has always been 2 steps forward, 1 step back. We're just in a step back as we watch these idiots fuck up everything.
This post really caught my attention because it's so true. The single greatest stain. The largest unsolved conflict. The existential issue that plagues the US the most is race relations within it. Most especially related to Black people.

As usual -- but moreso pronounced since the age of the Big Mac eating Fat Fuck -- white people don't want to talk about it. They just want to tell people of color how they're allowed to feel. Fuck them. This Trump election is a setback, but it's temporary. He and all his people will be dead in the next 10-20 years. We will retake the country and keep plodding along. Progressivism has always been 2 steps forward, 1 step back. We're just in a step back as we watch these idiots fuck up everything.
But you think it's quite all right for black people to tell white people how they feel. You mongrels lost ground to trump in every demographic group.
But you think it's quite all right for black people to tell white people how they feel. You mongrels lost ground to trump in every demographic group.
When did that happen? Black people express their experience and trashy white racists like you tell them that they don't know what they're talking about, you have no privilege, and they need to shut up. Fuck you.
When did that happen? Black people express their experience and trashy white racists like you tell them that they don't know what they're talking about, you have no privilege, and they need to shut up. Fuck you.
Am I white? See this is the problem with you mongrels
Are you not? It really doesn't matter. You have no right to tell anyone else how they're allowed to feel about their life experience. Once again, fuck you.
You assume I am which proves you're a small minded weasel. I don't give a shit how you feel about your life experience you don't get to tell others to shut up because you think you're a victim. The thing is you're an asshole no matter what else you are and because of that I'm more than happy to treat you like the asshole you are.
You assume I am which proves you're a small minded weasel. I don't give a shit how you feel about your life experience you don't get to tell others to shut up because you think you're a victim. The thing is you're an asshole no matter what else you are and because of that I'm more than happy to treat you like the asshole you are.
No, you stupid fucking twat, that's not how it works. You scum don't get to tell minorities what feelings we're allowed to have. Fuck you, you racist cock sucking Nazi.