Harris secured the needed delegates

Evince just writes the story on the fly to whatever narrative SOUNDS the best no matter how silly or absurd it is. Its actually pretty funny to just sit back and watch,....someone who just lies all the time so easily all in the name of protecting a stupid political party. Just 2 weeks ago Evince was starting threads that said there was no way the Dems could win if they switched candidates,.........now look at her....:laugh: I guess she thinks its doing whatever you have to do,...lying like a mo fo included, to try and make the best of a bad situation. It just comes off as soooooooooooooooo stupid though. Wow,....you people are even more deranged than even I thought.
I wonder if she's concerned that now we know for sure that Joe Has never been in charge of the country... Perhaps she'll tell us who's been making the decisions... Kam was just was covering up for Joe... that doesn't count as doing her job...( It's such a blessing not to be a Democrat... How do they sleep at night? It's obvious they're not... and it's why they're always so cranky...;))
"You're not going anywhere, Joe"...."You answered all the questions, Joe"...
His "visiting angels" have spoken...and then they threw him away...
They made him resign on Twitter...how humiliating...

The Democrats have now proven to the American people that they are a threat to Democracy.

Where is the turnip?

The Democrats have now proven to the American people that they are a threat to Democracy.

Where is the turnip?
They let him read the script on a phone call... all nicely planned... That was even worse than making him resign on twitter.... Poor guy... "You're not going anywhere Joe".... "You answered every question Joe"... How sad that they don't really like or respect him enough to not continue to embarrass him... After they threw him away like trash...
I'm looking forward to all the 'word salad' GOP ads that they will put out there showing harris for the absolute atrocity that she is.

Anyone voting for a harris ticket isn't voting because she is the better candidate. they are voting for her based on total terror of trump.
Victory? :laugh:

Trump will beat her ass worse then he would have beaten Biden. Thats why well over half of the lefties in here were making posts and starting threads saying that if the party switches away from Biden its almost certain defeat. because you guys KNOW it too,...including you as you made at least one of those posts as well. Nice attempt at false bravado though.....;)

Will park this here, not sure it is worth its own thread....that Harris has all of the Revolutions bonafides was never in doubt:

Does anyone think it’s time to start investigating Kamala’s role in coordinating with Jussie Smollett to commit a fake hate crime?Remember, her lynching bill was on the floor in the Senate around that time and Jussie was wearing a fake noose when he talked with policeDid she plan the hoax with Jussie to give her a media boost?Did she help protect him afterwards?I think we all know the answer
Victory? :laugh:

Trump will beat her ass worse then he would have beaten Biden. Thats why well over half of the lefties in here were making posts and starting threads saying that if the party switches away from Biden its almost certain defeat. because you guys KNOW it too,...including you as you made at least one of those posts as well. Nice attempt at false bravado though.....;)

Trump has a history of beating liberal women in national elections