Harris Supporter No Longer After Son Murdered

I am fascinated at the high-octane demonization and "dehumanization" that the Right is undertaking against Mexicans now. While a rape and murder are a tragedy beyond all reckoning and I am not in any way downplaying that....the fact of the matter is that illegals are NOT raping and murdering at extreme levels. They still can't hold a candle the non-stop gun violence, murder, rape and theft going on every day in America BY FULLY AMERICAN AMERICANS.

This is a chance for people to do what they always do in times when they feel uncertain. It is seeking a SCAPEGOAT. Usually when that happens if it is allowed to get AMPED UP ENOUGH and go on LONG ENOUGH it will result in very bad things happening. Just look at what happened when Germany scapegoated the Jews for their problems.

Don't tell me that screaming "RAPIST" and "MURDERER" will not result in someone deciding that the raping and murdering have to stop and the best way runs through the railroads. Load those cars up. Build those camps. Find a way to a "final solution" for the problems we face.

This is all so predictable.

And every time we hear it screamed that THEY are doing evil....it's pretty easy to see what is being done.
One rape or murder is too much. This is the responsibility of the Federal government, to protect our borders from illegal invaders. They are not doing their job. In fact they are doing the opposite.
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One rape or murder is too much. This is the responsibility of the Federal government, to protect our borders from illegal invaders. They are not doing their job. In fact they are doing the opposite.

We as a nation don't believe that one murder is too much. We have the highest rate of gun homicides of any developed country on earth. And our response to every school shooting is to do....nothing but ask for more guns.

So forgive me if I think that America's horror at another murder is primarily aimed at demonizing a bunch of innocent people. We CLEARLY don't care about human life, so there must be some other reason the Right is horrified by this.
We as a nation don't believe that one murder is too much. We have the highest rate of gun homicides of any developed country on earth. And our response to every school shooting is to do....nothing but ask for more guns.

So forgive me if I think that America's horror at another murder is primarily aimed at demonizing a bunch of innocent people. We CLEARLY don't care about human life, so there must be some other reason the Right is horrified by this.
Your reasoning is slanted. No matter what crime rates are among citizens of this country, it is on a whole other level when illegal invaders perpetrate crime here.
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I guess you don't understand the concept. She supports illegal immigration. Why would these people vote for he?. It's not a matter of whether Harris was directly involved in her son's death. Geez!
She does not support illegal immigration. That's your fever dream. And magats dredging up a guy from 2010 to post an anti-Harris complaint is bordering on desperate.
Your reasoning is slanted. No matter what crime rates are among citizens of this country, it is on a whole other level when illegal invaders perpetrate crime here.

I agree no one has the right to come to our shores and commit a crime. Full stop.

But here's the point: this isn't about our intense care for life. It was NEVER about that. It is finding an excuse to demonize and dehumanize an entire group of people, almost all of whom are more law abiding on average than America as a whole.

I'm not justifying ignoring the tragedy here. What I'm saying is maybe we need to clean OUR house before we go finding others we find "dirty".

This demonization doesn't just stop at the "bad guys". It takes in all Mexicans sooner or later. THIS TYPE OF DEMONIZATION ALWAYS DOES.

It never changes.

This is just the first step. Soon justification will be found to do much worse things.
Immigrants legal or illegal have lower crime rates than regular Americans. Will there be some? Certainly, in millions of people ,there will be some crazies and violent ones. However, the crime rate is lowered by immigrants.
An incident does not prove the whole. It is a fallacy of composition.
I agree no one has the right to come to our shores and commit a crime. Full stop.

But here's the point: this isn't about our intense care for life. It was NEVER about that. It is finding an excuse to demonize and dehumanize an entire group of people, almost all of whom are more law abiding on average than America as a whole.

I'm not justifying ignoring the tragedy here. What I'm saying is maybe we need to clean OUR house before we go finding others we find "dirty".

This demonization doesn't just stop at the "bad guys". It takes in all Mexicans sooner or later. THIS TYPE OF DEMONIZATION ALWAYS DOES.

It never changes.

This is just the first step. Soon justification will be found to do much worse things.
The entire group of illegal border crossers deserve contemp and deportation. Very few are true asylum seekers. We cannot be responsible for all the unfortunate of the world. If this continues the USA will become a hellhole.
Did you even read the article? In 2010 Harris was still the DA in San Francisco. This has nothing to do with the presidential campaign.

"Don Rosenberg’s 25-year-old son Drew Rosenberg was killed by an illegal alien driver in 2010.

“He was just coming home one night, and an illegal alien tried to make a last-second left-hand turn, and they collided,” Rosenberg previously said describing the killing of his son."
Good catch. The poor man is furious that his son killed himself with destructive behavior, and is willing to come up with bizarre lies to blame someone else. It is sad that Republicans are desperate to support this.