Harris / Walz, the candidates for billionaires

T.A. has a bad habit he seems to have picked up from the MAGA media and GOP flunkies ... stringing together various factoids and coupling them with out of context quotes with personal supposition/conjecture and out right BS.

Here are just two easily verified facts:

- The vast majority of the Harris/Walz campaign funds have been raised from individual donations of considerable affordability for the working middle class.

- Trump/Vance are FROM the corporate/wealthy class with little to no public service or congressional experience in their respective 1st campaigns. Corporate/1% wealthy class donations have and are their mainstay.
T.A. has a bad habit he seems to have picked up from the MAGA media and GOP flunkies ... stringing together various factoids and coupling them with out of context quotes with personal supposition/conjecture and out right BS.

Here are just two easily verified facts:

- The vast majority of the Harris/Walz campaign funds have been raised from individual donations of considerable affordability for the working middle class.

- Trump/Vance are FROM the corporate/wealthy class with little to no public service or congressional experience in their respective 1st campaigns. Corporate/1% wealthy class donations have and are their mainstay.
One of the tricks the Regime is using is going all out to get micro donations of five or ten dollars, often with Big Money "matching" that with five or ten times more....Part of the reason is to sell this lie that Taic is spreading that the D party is the party of the people.....but the bigger part of this is psyops war.

Once people have put in even a few insignificant bucks they consider themselves part of the cause and obligated to get out and vote as they are told, and perhaps more importantly overlook fraud as the Regime declares its candidates the winners.

The Regime is working to minimize the cheat required as much as they can.
There's no better, or obvious, truth than Harris and Walz being the candidates who will do billionaire's bidding than Walz taking a one-on-one meeting with George Soro's son in a NYC penthouse. The Cackler and Fudd may talk a good game about being for the little guy, but their donor list says differently. Their meetings with the rich and powerful speak volumes. They don't give a shit about you or me, they're for the rich and powerful.

While Trump has some millionaires and billionaires supporting him, Harris gets the lion's share. It's pretty clear who they think will do the most for them, and it isn't Trump.
So you actually believe the middle class biracial lady is the elitist and the guy who inherited most of a billion dollars is the "common man"?
So you actually believe the middle class biracial lady is the elitist and the guy who inherited most of a billion dollars is the "common man"?
Trump is fighting for Constitutional America....for me against my abusers.....YES.

Trump is a traitor to his class no less than FDR was....which has a lot to do with why they hate him so much.
So you actually believe the middle class biracial lady is the elitist and the guy who inherited most of a billion dollars is the "common man"?
I believe that Harris is a West Coast elite who has spent most of her life cocooned around radical Leftists and has never had a productive job in her entire life. She's spent it in government. I also think her race is totally fucking irrelevant because, unlike you, I'm not a racist.

Trump, like it or not, was and is a real estate developer and businessman who has only gone into politics recently.

Harris thinks the answer to a problem is government. Trump thinks the answer to a problem is figure out a solution for yourself and do it. Harris is a big part of the problem, not the solution.
I believe that Harris is a West Coast elite who has spent most of her life cocooned around radical Leftists and has never had a productive job in her entire life. She's spent it in government. I also think her race is totally fucking irrelevant because, unlike you, I'm not a racist.

Trump, like it or not, was and is a real estate developer and businessman who has only gone into politics recently.

Harris thinks the answer to a problem is government. Trump thinks the answer to a problem is figure out a solution for yourself and do it. Harris is a big part of the problem, not the solution.
Harris as a long time Revolution insider thinks that the mission is to enslave the people......of which the government is a critical piece of the mechanism but not the only one.
Harris as a long time Revolution insider thinks that the mission is to enslave the people......of which the government is a critical piece of the mechanism but not the only one.
Harris treats the public like Michelle Obama does. She thinks the average person is child-like and needs supervision and government support to function. It isn't so much 'enslavement,' but rather a belief in a patriarchy / matriarchy where the government is the parent and the person is a child. She, like Michelle, is an idiot for believing that.
Harris treats the public like Michelle Obama does. She thinks the average person is child-like and needs supervision and government support to function. It isn't so much 'enslavement,' but rather a belief in a patriarchy / matriarchy where the government is the parent and the person is a child. She, like Michelle, is an idiot for believing that.
The Ruling Class has no idea how the rest of us live, what we want or need, nor do they care to find out....we are irrelevant....we will do as we are told.

"They are not stupid.....they are Evil"
I believe that Harris is a West Coast elite who has spent most of her life cocooned around radical Leftists and has never had a productive job in her entire life. She's spent it in government. I also think her race is totally fucking irrelevant because, unlike you, I'm not a racist.

Trump, like it or not, was and is a real estate developer and businessman who has only gone into politics recently.

Harris thinks the answer to a problem is government. Trump thinks the answer to a problem is figure out a solution for yourself and do it. Harris is a big part of the problem, not the solution.
Do you do this because you're paid or are you really this far up Dump's behind? FYI:

  • Donald Trump received the present-day equivalent of $413 million from his father or his father’s estate over the course of his lifetime, according to a comprehensive New York Times review of the Trump family’s finances in 2018. It wasn’t all available to him when he "started out."
  • He received perhaps $1 million to $2 million of that before being hired to work at the family business. But he always had a reasonable expectation of inheriting a share of his father’s business.
  • Trump’s companies have filed for bankruptcy a total of six times.

Do you do this because you're paid or are you really this far up Dump's behind? FYI:

  • Donald Trump received the present-day equivalent of $413 million from his father or his father’s estate over the course of his lifetime, according to a comprehensive New York Times review of the Trump family’s finances in 2018. It wasn’t all available to him when he "started out."

Doesn't change what I said one iota.
  • He received perhaps $1 million to $2 million of that before being hired to work at the family business. But he always had a reasonable expectation of inheriting a share of his father’s business.

This doesn't change what I said either one iota. He was a real estate developer and businessman. He took risks and ran a business. That's one of the reasons he had projects go bankrupt. They don't always work. In government, failure isn't an option. The budget simply gets bigger to cover the loss.
Yep. That's what happens when you take risks. Harris is the commensurate bureaucrat. She won't take risks or do anything that isn't already a set process. Plodding, expensive, and inept government is all she knows. She doesn't get results, she gets paid.
I believe that Harris is a West Coast elite who has spent most of her life cocooned around radical Leftists and has never had a productive job in her entire life. She's spent it in government. I also think her race is totally fucking irrelevant because, unlike you, I'm not a racist.

Trump, like it or not, was and is a real estate developer and businessman who has only gone into politics recently.

Harris thinks the answer to a problem is government. Trump thinks the answer to a problem is figure out a solution for yourself and do it. Harris is a big part of the problem, not the solution.
So in orther words you are another brainwashing victim.
Doesn't change what I said one iota.

This doesn't change what I said either one iota. He was a real estate developer and businessman. He took risks and ran a business. That's one of the reasons he had projects go bankrupt. They don't always work. In government, failure isn't an option. The budget simply gets bigger to cover the loss.

Yep. That's what happens when you take risks. Harris is the commensurate bureaucrat. She won't take risks or do anything that isn't already a set process. Plodding, expensive, and inept government is all she knows. She doesn't get results, she gets paid.
1. What's pathetic is that YOU try to revise history. It's called comprehensive reading. In other words, the Orange Oaf didn't receive a lump sum .... he got a $1 to $2 Million stipend to "start" before he inherited the family business. The average guy starting out on his own in any business does not receive anywhere near that amount, nor does he get the contacts that dear old dad accumulated over the years. Do a little research as to the time line from his "start" to when Cheeto Jeezus officially "inherited" the family business, because I'm damned tired of doing the homework for you willfully ignorant MAGA mooks.

Got that genius? He's NOT "like you", nor is he looking out for you.

2. Bottom line: HE FAILED! HE TOOK DADDY'S MONEY AND FAILED IN A PLETHORA OF ENDEAVORS. Not only that, but he's a sleazy businessman https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-05-18/trump-business-partners-outline-his-failed-deals

Harris was an AG, you blockhead. She gets paid by the state, and if she does a lousy job, she gets canned by the state. Check out her record, if you have the honest guts.

And stop wasting everyone's time with the MAGA toady BS.
1. What's pathetic is that YOU try to revise history. It's called comprehensive reading. In other words, the Orange Oaf didn't receive a lump sum .... he got a $1 to $2 Million stipend to "start" before he inherited the family business. The average guy starting out on his own in any business does not receive anywhere near that amount, nor does he get the contacts that dear old dad accumulated over the years. Do a little research as to the time line from his "start" to when Cheeto Jeezus officially "inherited" the family business, because I'm damned tired of doing the homework for you willfully ignorant MAGA mooks.

Got that genius? He's NOT "like you", nor is he looking out for you.

2. Bottom line: HE FAILED! HE TOOK DADDY'S MONEY AND FAILED IN A PLETHORA OF ENDEAVORS. Not only that, but he's a sleazy businessman https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-05-18/trump-business-partners-outline-his-failed-deals

Harris was an AG, you blockhead. She gets paid by the state, and if she does a lousy job, she gets canned by the state. Check out her record, if you have the honest guts.

And stop wasting everyone's time with the MAGA toady BS.
You can't deny that Trump was a real estate developer. I don't care where he got the money, he was doing large scale real estate projects. He was also a celebrity with the show The Apprentice.

Harris was nothing but a government bureaucrat of one sort or another. Liars... err, lawyers, are nothing more than glorified secretaries and paper pushers. She was never a trial lawyer, she had underlings for that. She was put in elected office so if she does a shitty job, she can only be voted out. Her record on everything is nothing special. She was nothing outstanding or stellar. She's a mediocre government hack and politician.