Harris wants to reclaim abandoned land mines

Does this sound like an objective article, or does this sound like a hatchet job?????, Townhall is one of the worse news site for no being factual.

"Condescending Kamala. Snobby Kerry. Crooked Hillary. All three of these prominent members of the Democratic Party have one thing in common: they’ve all shown their hatred and disdain for rural Americans"


Sorry dude, Kamala actually did make the gaff. It seems that the Biden virus is contagious. People who are around Biden start making gaffs.
I’m not convinced it was a gaff.

If you want to discuss ‘land mines’ as a topic and use the same term people in the energy industry would use it’s called ‘surface mining’. Or if she wanted to talk about traditional coal mining it’s ‘deep mining’.

Land mines is kind of out there.

I wouldn’t expect a blue stater like Harris to be able to discuss the topic at any great length off the top of her head. But you’d think she’d discuss it with her advisors enough to be adequately prepared to discuss it without getting it mixed up with military jargon.

It was a gaff.
you mean like trump pronouncing the countries Nepal and Bhutan as Nipple and Button? or wondering if maybe bleach could be used to fight covid? or that windmills cause cancer? or that in 1776, the colonists defeated the Brits by taking the airports, manning the skies and ramming their ramparts? or wondering if we could nuke hurricanes before they make landfall? or that there was any significant voting fraud enough to change even one state in the last election?

Fake News.
China has been severely restricting Australian trade since Mr Morrison called for an independent investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year.

Heavy restrictions have already been placed on the export of Australian wine, barley and timber to China.

I find it hilarious. In implementing the boycott, China has only hurt themselves! :D
Wow, someone has the balls to sanction China. Go Aussies.

Why can’t we get more of that? Because everyone is in bed with China and China is into everyone. We have one House intelligence committee member that was literally ‘in bed with China’.

I see where Biden is going to take a hard line with Putin. Brave guy, that Biden. Now we can sleep at night knowing Putin won’t...I don’t know. Whatever Putin was thinking about doing, he’ll be thinking twice about it now.

Actually, it's CHINA taking a stance to sanction China. Makes perfect sense...right? :laugh:
why do we need this cold war mindset? a Russian win is always our loss?
What Russian win?
we need to build mutual interests -it's better for Russia and the USA both, instead of forcing Russia closer to China
You ARE aware the Russia is an oligarchy, right? You ARE aware they are primarily a communist nation, right?
You ARE aware the China is an oligarchy, right? You ARE aware they are primarily a communist nation, right?
Oh, I agree. The problem is the left's constant bitching about Russia. Everything's Russia! Russia! Russia! Yet they'll kiss China's ass (because it was them and their damn virus that got Biden elected).

Democrats LIKE Russia. Their ideologies align. The Russia! Russia! Russia! thing was about false evidence used to smear Trump, trying to fan the flames of the old cold war.
there was no russian hoax, stupid fuck. good god. how do you keep believing such crazy ass shit? the russians did meddle, the russians did want trump to win, the trump clowns did collude with the russians towards that end. and as far as anybody play paddy cake with Xi for being where the Covid virus originated- here is Xi's little bitch trump praising him for DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB STOPPING THE VIRUS!!!
...deleted out of context Holy Quotes...

You are being irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
Putin wanted Hillary to win. He wanted Biden to win. He even said so.

The 'collusion' was faked. The Democrats got caught at it...again.

Trump did manage to get China to reduce it's problems concerning theft of technology. He had quite a few conversations with China to reach that goal. You are quoting out of context. Contextomy fallacy.

Of course, that's all out the window now. China knows Biden will do nothing to stop them from stealing technology.
I have heard that China is close to ending the dollar as the global currency and ending the Wests control of global banking....

You dont believe it?

The dollar is not global currency. It hasn't been for some time.

Prevalent currencies used in world trade are dollars, juan, rubles, and euros. All of them are fiat currencies. All of them are losing value.
What Russian win?

You ARE aware the Russia is an oligarchy, right? You ARE aware they are primarily a communist nation, right?
You ARE aware the China is an oligarchy, right? You ARE aware they are primarily a communist nation, right?

They both suck.

Starting with that premise, we do whatever is in our best national interest.

The dollar is not global currency. It hasn't been for some time.

Prevalent currencies used in world trade are dollars, juan, rubles, and euros. All of them are fiat currencies. All of them are losing value.

Updated Aug 9, 2020
More than 85% of the world's foreign exchange transactions are done in dollars.

China intends to change this, it is just a matter of when at this point.
Updated Aug 9, 2020
More than 85% of the world's foreign exchange transactions are done in dollars.
The source of this number is a government agency. I consider it a random number. Also, foreign exchange is not trade.
China intends to change this, it is just a matter of when at this point.
Change what? Much of the world already trades in Juan, Euros, rubles, and of course, FRN (not actual) dollars.
Iran only accepts gold for it's oil.

Gold can be easily converted into any fiat currency of your choice at any time. So can silver. A dollar is actually a standard of weight. The FRNs that people call 'dollars' now are just fiat notes. Neither gold or silver are traded in FRN or any other currency. They ARE currency.
Likewise, Bitcoin is not traded in dollars or any other currency. It IS currency. Yen is not traded in dollars or any other currency. It IS currency.

ALL fiat currencies are losing value. They are being printed faster than the wealth is being created in every nation.
which puts her about 5000 calibers smarter than trump and all his feather-brained, easily played voters. like you, stupid.

I R O N Y!!...From one of the dumbest morons on the forum.
