Harry Potter 5


Just watched it. It was the best film yet, and while that isn't really saying a lot, it was enjoyable.

Does Dolores Umbridge remind anyone else of the ultimate leftist nanny stater on steroids?
That actor was brilliant, though. I've never seen an audience react that way whenever a character was "defeated" - the entire theater burst into applause towards the screen.

The audience was pretty damn stupid, actually critiscizing the screen characters, and I'm like "You know, they're paid to elicit this response from you". People are so predictable. There's no originality in the human race.
That actor was brilliant, though. I've never seen an audience react that way whenever a character was "defeated" - the entire theater burst into applause towards the screen.

Going to the cinema in the US would be unsettling. Do you really give a round of applause? You don't whoop when you see the good guys do you?
That actor was brilliant, though. I've never seen an audience react that way whenever a character was "defeated" - the entire theater burst into applause towards the screen.

Going to the cinema in the US would be unsettling. Do you really give a round of applause? You don't whoop when you see the good guys do you?
Not usually. Sometime around first grade you have a teacher tell you that the actors can't hear you and not to applaud.
That actor was brilliant, though. I've never seen an audience react that way whenever a character was "defeated" - the entire theater burst into applause towards the screen.

Going to the cinema in the US would be unsettling. Do you really give a round of applause? You don't whoop when you see the good guys do you?

It's the only time I've ever seen it. I just laughed because it was so ridiculous to applaud at the projector screen - but hey, just about everyone but me was doing it.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/a1Y73sPHKxw"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/a1Y73sPHKxw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
It's the only time I've ever seen it. I just laughed because it was so ridiculous to applaud at the projector screen - but hey, just about everyone but me was doing it.

That's ok then, you had me worried for a moment....
This Harry Potter release is all a conspiracy to divert attention from the Iraq war .

jk but I had to say it first.
Yeah but some of us have slower connections. while logged in for work I have to use this darned ISDN...My satelite net access will not work with my VPN software.
Yeah but some of us have slower connections. while logged in for work I have to use this darned ISDN...My satelite net access will not work with my VPN software.
I'd rather use ISDN than crappy satellite anyway. I was thrilled when it became available in our area.
Umm this is the 2 way satellilte, not too bad. But not nearly as good as a good cable modem.
I can watch video on ti nicley, but it is impossible on isdn.
I'd rather use ISDN than crappy satellite anyway. I was thrilled when it became available in our area.

ISDN is barely faster than dial-up and as expensive as DSL and cable. I don't know why anyone would want it.

I couldn't imagine satellite being slower, except for games and stuff like that (being on satellite, it will obviously have a lag). But for straight browsing the delay in upload shouldn't matter.
ISDN is barely faster than dial-up and as expensive as DSL and cable. I don't know why anyone would want it.

I couldn't imagine satellite being slower, except for games and stuff like that (being on satellite, it will obviously have a lag). But for straight browsing the delay in upload shouldn't matter.

Naah ISDN is about 2X as fast as dialup, I get a true 64K thruput. Too bad no one offers bonded channels here now though.
We are one of the least wired of the developed countries.
Out in the sticks we are still waiting. the technology is there to get DSL to me but the phone co will not spend the money. They have the fiber to the repeater hut but will not install the line cards for it...
I could engineer the whole thing for them....