Has anyone heard ....

Prak still living in high school. No suprise there.

It's not that I'm "living in high school" it's just that your juvenile replies remind me so much of the people I knew in high school. I personally can't believe you are over about 17 or so. If you are, chronologically, your thought seems to have been crystalized at about that age of mental growth and you haven't really learned to think beyond that level of articulation. I think Christ said something to the effect of by their words you shall know them. Your posts, my main man, show very little intellectual development. So yeah, they remind me of a high school student. But that doesn't mean I am "living in high school." At 60, I am actually surprized at how your posts bring those old memories flooding back. You might want to check the mirror toby, I think there is a another sign on your back!!!!