Has Manafort flipped on Trump?

Trump doesn't have the resolve or the guts.

Trump loves himself too much to commit suicide....besides.....anyone that faked bones spurs in his foot to stay out of service to his country...is not capable of taking his own life. He is an Orange Coward...
Trump loves himself too much to commit suicide....besides.....anyone that faked bones spurs in his foot to stay out of service to his country...is not capable of taking his own life. He is an Orange Coward...

he did not fake them. He paid a doctor to say they existed and kept him from the war. Rich people can do that.

Back to Manafort. He agreed to testify at any and all trials and hearings and do so without an attorney present. that is a big deal. Manfort gave in like a desperate and guilty criminal would.
he did not fake them. He paid a doctor to say they existed and kept him from the war. Rich people can do that.

Back to Manafort. He agreed to testify at any and all trials and hearings and do so without an attorney present. that is a big deal. Manfort gave in like a desperate and guilty criminal would.

Manafort had a choice. He could either stick by a man than has made it through life by lying, bullying, and extorting. Or he could do what is best for his family and for his country.

He chose the latter and the right one.
Because the evidence of this organized Coup is over whelming.

Heads are about to role.

that is what you call the law and justice? Of course, you do. rightys love to label things as some world conspiracy instead of what it is, a simple and honest investigation.
that is what you call the law and justice? Of course, you do. rightys love to label things as some world conspiracy instead of what it is, a simple and honest investigation.

We are discussing facts ...

We are not interested in what you fake news parrots do not know !!