APP - Has the GOP Lost Its Mind?

(Excerpt from link) Newt Gingrich faults big government for the lamentable absence of manned stations on the moon. (End)

:rofl: Between that comment and telling people if anyone quotes him regarding his comments about right wing social engineering, referring to medical care, he'll consider them liars. And let's not forget his comment about working so diligently for the American people that his only stress-reliever was boinking a gal 23 years his junior.

While a normal person would, at the very least, be contrite Newt is out there proclaiming he knows what's wrong with America.

As one of his prior supporters commented he should disappear before he embarrasses himself further but that appears to be a Republican trademark. The Repub line-up looks more like morning roll call in a sanatorium than a group of potential presidential candidates.
Ehhh I couldn't be worse then the Democratic line up last time with Dennis Kucinich and that hot, hot, hot, hot red headed wife of his.
If you look at the dems lineup for last time, and the repubs lineup for the next election, how can you believe this is the best we have to offer??

And IF these are the best we have to offer, how the hell to we expect to survive, let alone prosper?
Ehhh I couldn't be worse then the Democratic line up last time with Dennis Kucinich and that hot, hot, hot, hot red headed wife of his.



6 foot, 31 years younger. And, yes, even a tongue piercing.

"After leaving school she went to Agra, India to volunteer at one of Mother Teresa's homes for India's poorest children.....After university she spent 16 months in a rural Tanzanian village....After leaving Tanzania, she volunteered with a British Red Cross refugee unit..."

A Saint. A true Goddess!
If you look at the dems lineup for last time, and the repubs lineup for the next election, how can you believe this is the best we have to offer??

And IF these are the best we have to offer, how the hell to we expect to survive, let alone prosper?
It's funny to me, mainly because it only cements the 21st century as the Libertarian century.
If you look at the dems lineup for last time, and the repubs lineup for the next election, how can you believe this is the best we have to offer??

And IF these are the best we have to offer, how the hell to we expect to survive, let alone prosper?

Oh it's always been that way. One doesn't need a world class intellect to be succesful in US politics. One does need world class temperment. Why would one even want the jobs. The pressures, the omnipresent media, the incessant round the clock demands far exceed the compensation for the position compared to private sector senior executives.

One would have to want power and be ambitious enough about that desire to be willing to sacrifice just about anything else.
yeah, but the left has Obama....that's even scarier.....we've seen what he's capable of.....

You obviousy disagree with your country regaining some of the international respect that was squandered by the worst and most ludicrous president America has ever elected.
I guess the abortion debate, the gun lobby, the price of grits (whatever they may be) is much much more important in your very small mind. Why don't you mount a little soapbox and stand for sheriff or something. (do you still have sheriffs?) hell, you'd be so-o-o-o powerful and you would be too busy to get involved in grown up affairs.
obviously not.....that's why we're campaigning to get rid of him in 2012.....

Prophet?? LOL you don't even understand the PAST let alone the future. Have you ANY idea of the damage that bush did to your country? Any idea at all? He is STILL a laughing stock. He is still regarded as America's greatest post WWII mistake.
Obama has been universally accepted and, Mr. Prophet, that is how your international trade will, in time, improve. You are like a child who cries for sweets now before you are even at the shop. Your international trade will improve but it will take years before we start to trust America never to screw up again. Don't tell me that you are selling more gizmos, or more flim flams, that is not the point. Any commercial successes you are having are in spite of the bush disaster years not because of them.
You obviousy disagree with your country regaining some of the international respect that was squandered by the worst and most ludicrous president America has ever elected.
I guess the abortion debate, the gun lobby, the price of grits (whatever they may be) is much much more important in your very small mind. Why don't you mount a little soapbox and stand for sheriff or something. (do you still have sheriffs?) hell, you'd be so-o-o-o powerful and you would be too busy to get involved in grown up affairs.

Prophet?? LOL you don't even understand the PAST let alone the future. Have you ANY idea of the damage that bush did to your country? Any idea at all? He is STILL a laughing stock. He is still regarded as America's greatest post WWII mistake.
Obama has been universally accepted and, Mr. Prophet, that is how your international trade will, in time, improve. You are like a child who cries for sweets now before you are even at the shop. Your international trade will improve but it will take years before we start to trust America never to screw up again. Don't tell me that you are selling more gizmos, or more flim flams, that is not the point. Any commercial successes you are having are in spite of the bush disaster years not because of them.

You know, I have read this teeing off on Bush from you pukes in the UK until I am sick of it. Let's clear up some bullshit here... Say what you will about how Bush was viewed on the world stage, the United States wasn't cowering behind France and waiting for the EU to tell us what to do! We led, and when we led, things got done... not like they are being done in Libya, where no one seems to know what the fuck they are doing without the US! Under Bush, while the middle east wasn't exactly blooming in roses, it was a far cry from being literally on fire from one end to the other in violent conflict. What happened to the Obama who was going to make them all like us because he was more 'diplomatic' than Bush? Why haven't all these 'problems' associated with Bush's 'cowboy diplomacy' gone away? Why have they gotten worse in many cases? Where was the big "summit" we were going to have with radical Muslims, to show them we are willing to work together for peace? All I have seen this president do, is throw Israel under the bus every chance he gets, and signal to Iran that he has absolutely NO intention of preventing them from developing nukes.

You can run around with your head up your ass, repeating this tired old meme about Bush all you like, jerk... history will show this to be a shameful, dark, and weak point in our history.
You know, I have read this teeing off on Bush from you pukes in the UK until I am sick of it. Let's clear up some bullshit here... Say what you will about how Bush was viewed on the world stage, the United States wasn't cowering behind France and waiting for the EU to tell us what to do! We led, and when we led, things got done... not like they are being done in Libya, where no one seems to know what the fuck they are doing without the US! Under Bush, while the middle east wasn't exactly blooming in roses, it was a far cry from being literally on fire from one end to the other in violent conflict. What happened to the Obama who was going to make them all like us because he was more 'diplomatic' than Bush? Why haven't all these 'problems' associated with Bush's 'cowboy diplomacy' gone away? Why have they gotten worse in many cases? Where was the big "summit" we were going to have with radical Muslims, to show them we are willing to work together for peace? All I have seen this president do, is throw Israel under the bus every chance he gets, and signal to Iran that he has absolutely NO intention of preventing them from developing nukes.

You can run around with your head up your ass, repeating this tired old meme about Bush all you like, jerk... history will show this to be a shameful, dark, and weak point in our history.

It's up to you, sunbeam. The chances of you party getting any sort of power are small to say the least. I will not be drawn on the illegal war in Iraq, enough has been said.... to the eternal shame of the US. Libya is a mess, but it's a legal mess. I personally do not believe that Cameron should have gone in. He did it because he knew he was losing/had lost credibility at home and thought that, like Thatcher, a little war would help. Well it hasn't helped much and most thinking people in the UK are questioning the whole ethos behind it when taken on the same plate as the economy and the austerity measures these schoolboys have forced through. Obama has handled the situation vis a vis the US reasonably well.
While we are clearing up some BS let's not forget that you are not the US of your youth. You are no longer the welcome world cop you once were. You are now just an interfering old has been and as popular as a fart in a phone box.
It's up to you, sunbeam. The chances of you party getting any sort of power are small to say the least. I will not be drawn on the illegal war in Iraq, enough has been said.... to the eternal shame of the US. Libya is a mess, but it's a legal mess. I personally do not believe that Cameron should have gone in. He did it because he knew he was losing/had lost credibility at home and thought that, like Thatcher, a little war would help. Well it hasn't helped much and most thinking people in the UK are questioning the whole ethos behind it when taken on the same plate as the economy and the austerity measures these schoolboys have forced through. Obama has handled the situation vis a vis the US reasonably well.
While we are clearing up some BS let's not forget that you are not the US of your youth. You are no longer the welcome world cop you once were. You are now just an interfering old has been and as popular as a fart in a phone box.

There was no more "illegality" in the Iraq War than in the Libyan War. The US led one of the largest coalition forces in history, and presently, the UK and France are leading a smaller coalition in Libya.

Wars never help public perception, if that's what any politician is after, it's a rather stupid approach. You can make that claim, but you look stupid making it, because it doesn't even make rational sense. The bottom line is this... that part of the world is run by thugs and dictators, who routinely kill and oppress their own people, often committing outright genocide. We, as responsible human beings, can make the choice to bury our heads in the sand and let it continue (what you have chosen) or we can do the sometimes unpopular thing, and send our military to fight for freedom. It doesn't matter what letter is beside the person's name in the Oval Office, or whether you agree or disagree with their politics, that doesn't change the dynamic or alter the inevitable in that part of the world. It also doesn't change what the appropriate response is, whether it's Bush going into Iraq or Obama going into Yemen, what has to be done, HAS TO BE DONE!
The chances of you party getting any sort of power are small to say the least.
I don't know what planet you're living on, but even the president's OWN advisers are telling him the re-election campaign is going to be close. Every single economic indicator that can be measured, is WORSE under Obama after 3 years, not BETTER! Unemployment is higher, housing prices have completely collapsed, construction is down, the markets continue to fall, the dollar is worth considerably less, inflation has kicked in, gas prices have nearly doubled, we're more dependent on foreign oil, we're creating NO new jobs, businesses are moving overseas in droves, poverty levels have risen, college grads can't BUY a fucking job! Our 4-year deficit will be larger than the previous entire national debt! Social Security and Medicare are on the verge of insolvency! ...And in your warped twisted little liberal fantasyland, Obama is a shoe-in for re-election?

I want some of what you're smoking, dude!
There was no more "illegality" in the Iraq War than in the Libyan War. The US led one of the largest coalition forces in history, and presently, the UK and France are leading a smaller coalition in Libya.

Wars never help public perception, if that's what any politician is after, it's a rather stupid approach. You can make that claim, but you look stupid making it, because it doesn't even make rational sense. The bottom line is this... that part of the world is run by thugs and dictators, who routinely kill and oppress their own people, often committing outright genocide. We, as responsible human beings, can make the choice to bury our heads in the sand and let it continue (what you have chosen) or we can do the sometimes unpopular thing, and send our military to fight for freedom. It doesn't matter what letter is beside the person's name in the Oval Office, or whether you agree or disagree with their politics, that doesn't change the dynamic or alter the inevitable in that part of the world. It also doesn't change what the appropriate response is, whether it's Bush going into Iraq or Obama going into Yemen, what has to be done, HAS TO BE DONE!

Then why didn't you invade Ruanda? Why didn't you invade Myanmar? Sadly your view of the world is still set in the sixties when many of us would have shared it. But we are now in the 21st century (well, we are, maybe you aren't). It is the century of that part of the world that is not America. China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and the rest of Asia.
I'm sorry that you are set in the minority that cannot accept that, but I can do nothing to help you. So, put up your hat, lock up your guns, you are no longer needed on the world stage.
Obama understands that, I think, and certainly some of your economists and scholars understand it. You time was bright, but brief. The republican party no longer has what is necessary to rekindle the flame. Cut your cloth.