APP - Has the GOP Lost Its Mind?

Then why didn't you invade Ruanda? Why didn't you invade Myanmar? Sadly your view of the world is still set in the sixties when many of us would have shared it. But we are now in the 21st century (well, we are, maybe you aren't). It is the century of that part of the world that is not America. China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and the rest of Asia.
I'm sorry that you are set in the minority that cannot accept that, but I can do nothing to help you. So, put up your hat, lock up your guns, you are no longer needed on the world stage.
Obama understands that, I think, and certainly some of your economists and scholars understand it. You time was bright, but brief. The republican party no longer has what is necessary to rekindle the flame. Cut your cloth.

:clap: ...Cool Beans... I am glad you guys have it all under control over there!
and you seem to be having trouble with the present.....

I get quite a number of presents actually. A kilo of French coffee on Monday and a bottle of red. A vietnamese lunch in my honour (and to my embarrassment) on Wednesday, Three bottles of wine and a bar kit yesterday. (Note to self: try to find a use for the thing with the little wheels on it).