Hastert: Its a vast left wing conspiracy!

Hastert should have called for an investigation years ago, to protect kids. Now he is calling for an investigation to try to save himself!
Hastart asked for an FBI investigation. What is wrong with that? Guess you libs are afraid of what they may find. LOL

Prat, I am talking about your failure to address the topic in a rational manner. Do you Mickey Mouse comments have any merit at all?

They have at least as much merit as Hastert blaming this scandal on Disney and George Soros, don't they???? Come on toby is that all you have, my reference to cartoon characters. Look at the Republican leadership in the House they are beginning to resemble nothing if not cartoon characters.

Hastert called for an investigation in secret and kept the only Democrat on the group responsible for the pages out of the loop. What's wrong with that?

One other question how do you tpe a "t" when you mean to type a "k" tody, my main man???
The IMs released came from a site funded by Soros. Kinda strange don't you admit? Hastert had no reason to call for an investagation unless being a faggot is a crime, and well he should have outed Foley. I said that. Out all faggots!
The IMs released came from a site funded by Soros. Kinda strange don't you admit? Hastert had no reason to call for an investagation unless being a faggot is a crime, and well he should have outed Foley. I said that. Out all faggots!

from Rasmussen - republicans favorite pollster:

"A majority of Americans — 61 percent — believe the GOP leadership knew about Mark Foley and protected him for two year, new Rasmussen Reports poll has found. Only 21% of respondents are accepting the GOP's claim that the leadership only just found out about Foley's page problem. And Independents? Even worse: Sixty-nine percent believe the leadership has protected Foley versus a mere nine percent who believe the leadership's explanation."

http://rasmussenreports.com/2006/October Dailies/MarkFoley.htm
Whats different between today when Hastert called for an investigation and back when he first heard of these emails..

The voting public knows about them... thats the only difference I know about!
shamefull that they allowed a faggot to stay in the congress.

Not in my opinion, you dont see me calling for Barny Frank's resignation. Its shamefull to hide evidence that a congressman is preying on children, to try to protect your political power!