and you're one of many demmycunts who refuse to admit you lost the House.......
The Democrats lost the house.
and you're one of many demmycunts who refuse to admit you lost the House.......
You are one of the few Trumppers who haven’t left in shame.
With no veto proof and no senate
They don't have 2/3's in the congress
The Democrats lost the house.
Nothing happening right now other than waiting to see when Pedo Joe starts WWIII.
Things will get interesting in January.
neither did Nancy......did I mention she's gone?......
like McCain, and Romney he didn't have the balls to stand up to the demmycunts......when they attacked as a racist when he tried to stop them from high risk financing packages he should have issued executive orders......
I've left you in shame.....
now, don't you feel better.......particularly knowing Nancy is gone?......
Feel better than what? I knew the Democrats lost the house. Gerrymandering is a powerful force.
I am proud of my votes for Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton.
Where have all the Trumpanzees gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the Trumpanzees gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the Trumpanzees gone?
Into cyberspace oblivion and new sock land
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Sung to the tune: Where Have All the Flowers Gone
I am proud of my votes for Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton.
So you are proud you vote for the destruction of this country
Have all the regular Trump supporters left this board, or at least changed their personas?
Have they gone the way of the GWB supporters?
Embarrassed, ashamed, in hiding….
How is Biden destroying the country?
Hasn’t been the best of weeks for the MAGA, in fact, since Election Day, the day the “red tsunami” turned into a mild breeze, it’s been all downhill
Look at Afghhanistan Biden is giving money to terrorists and now does not know where the money went. The economy sucks we are headed for a recession and we are being invaded by illegals and terrorists are also coming across biden's open border. We have hundreds a day dying from all the fentanyl coming across the border. Biden is a useless incompetent old fool
The democrats are worried about what GOP will do in the house come January
The democrats are worried about what GOP will do in the house come January