have democrat reps read the healthcare bill yet?

While Congress is in their District Work Period, why not call your Members and ask if they've read HR 3200 or the Affordable Health Choices Act, since you're so concerned?

Let us know how that works out for you.
As usual, you see just exactly what you want to see.

As usual, what you choose to see has little to do with the truth...

You are consistent, I'll give you that.

I guess you could always go back, edit your post and try to change what you suggested; but it won't change the fact that you wanted somone to vote on something they hadn't read.
Aren't you willing to have someone vote "no" on something they haven't read?
when they go back to talking to their constituents, will they be able to say that they've read the bill and can explain to those people that they know what they are voting for now?

I'd hope by now they have. The problems with the town halls is weeks old. They better be ready today.

If they're not, hell to pay.
But you are willing to accept a "no" vote whether the Member has personally read the entire bill or not?
We need to start DEMANDING they read a bill before any vote is done it...

if a bill is so big where they can't take the time to read it themselves, then the hell with them and that bill.
We need to start DEMANDING they read a bill before any vote is done it...

if a bill is so big where they can't take the time to read it themselves, then the hell with them and that bill.

The 'screaming' is happening. So, they have a choice to listen to the people or not. Right now it appears they may try to force 'reconciliation', though it's very unclear if they have even that number of votes. If they do and lock, load, and pull that trigger, hell will break loose, if polling is true, which it appears it is.
The 'screaming' is happening. So, they have a choice to listen to the people or not. Right now it appears they may try to force 'reconciliation', though it's very unclear if they have even that number of votes. If they do and lock, load, and pull that trigger, hell will break loose, if polling is true, which it appears it is.

oh yeah it is...the fuse is simmering..maybe that is what they want, but then again, maybe they ought to think twice about it..and this is against Both parties...time will tell.
oh yeah it is...the fuse is simmering..maybe that is what they want, but then again, maybe they ought to think twice about it..and this is against Both parties...time will tell.

I could be wrong but I think they truly believe that somehow this is all orchestrated and not real. It will be a shock.
We need to start DEMANDING they read a bill before any vote is done it...

if a bill is so big where they can't take the time to read it themselves, then the hell with them and that bill.

interesting point....i mean.....if companies are to big to fail, how is it that legislation is not also.....

how is it that those who mock those as not understanding the bill, have not read the entire bill themselves? or at least studied up on the portion being debated? i hate to keep giving kudos to ib1.....but he and mostly watermark have read the portions of the bill they defend....
It's only wrong to vote "yes" if a Member of Congress doesn't personally read every word of the final bill first?
Ignorance may be bliss to an obstructionist, but while you tell people lies to protect CEO bonuses, uninsured children die from treatable conditions.
We need to start DEMANDING they read a bill before any vote is done it...

if a bill is so big where they can't take the time to read it themselves, then the hell with them and that bill.

Face it, we don't really know who read it and who didn't read it. But if we assume it was read, how can constituents ask valid questions and expect to get answers if the Rep. or Sen. gets shouted down at every meeting?

IMO some people just don't want the bill on principle, not because of anything it says or doesn't say.
Face it, we don't really know who read it and who didn't read it. But if we assume it was read, how can constituents ask valid questions and expect to get answers if the Rep. or Sen. gets shouted down at every meeting?

IMO some people just don't want the bill on principle, not because of anything it says or doesn't say.
They don't read it, most of them, that is what their aids are for!
I doubt that 1 in 1,000 of the obstructionists has even seen either bill.