Have the implants Joe Biden had put in been discussed?

The shell we see on TV is not the racist Biden from the past even during the Obama years. Do you ask yourself why? We may literally be looking at the first real stepford wife in a man. Our President is nothing but a remote controlled piece of tissue with implants, that makes him walk the right direction, speak somewhat better than he could prior to the surgery. He is literally the first puppet to hold office.

He could be a plastic department store mannequin propped up on a metal stand with an ill fitting wig sitting crooked on his head and it would STILL be a massive improvement over Trump...


The shell we see on TV is not the racist Biden from the past even during the Obama years. Do you ask yourself why? We may literally be looking at the first real stepford wife in a man. Our President is nothing but a remote controlled piece of tissue with implants, that makes him walk the right direction, speak somewhat better than he could prior to the surgery. He is literally the first puppet to hold office.

Apparently, you have tRump's poison implanted in your Trumptard ass kissing hide that would take a lot of disinfectant to wash it all off. Surely it appears tRump has created a suicidal clump of cult followers which is un-American.