I'm glad you posted this in green for a change! It looks good on you!
Regardless of what color it is posted in; you're still pathetic dunce.
I'm glad you posted this in green for a change! It looks good on you!
See why I ban this piece of shit when i start a thread?
See why I ban this piece of shit when i start a thread?
Don't liberals like to whine about "cowardice" when they cry about thread bans?
Have some cheese with that pathetic vagina man whine dunce. Im amused that you think the remote few threads you start in this forum are even worthy of response. Your commentaries are too stupid for words.
First; the guided age was coined by a couple of famous authors through satire. Look up the definition some time libtards.
Secondly, where does this leftist myth come from that the wealthy don't work their asses off? Maybe if lefttards picked up a book about the efforts and risk entrepreneurs go through they wouldn't think it was so easy?
One thing is certain when I read such leftist canards like income inequality and wealth inequality, they are painful evidence of the failure of our educational system to actually educate.
Some facts about this time period satirically referred to as the guilded age:
Over 500,000 patents were filed.
Farm productivity massively increased.
Factory productivity massively increased.
Immigration massively increased because the wages being paid and opportunity were vastly greater than those in Europe.
The massive wealth generated also equated to massive amounts of philanthropic charity given by those capitalists like Rockefeller resulting in parks, libraries, museums, theatre and the arts. Some are said to have given as much as 90% of their wealth in such philanthropic efforts.
Last, but never least, such efforts by these giants of capital formation created millions of jobs for people who couldn't find one in Europe which resulted in the massive immigration of this "age."
Yes, this age of expansion contained many ugly warts; continued racism, exploitation of immigrant labor
So what I would like to see from lefttards who parrot such Marxist canards to do is show me where their facts exist that wealth just magically appeared on the backs of hourly workers for these entrepreneurs by doing little or no work.
Please provide some examples of how these industrialists just sat on their asses while wealth magically materialized.
While your at it, also provide evidence where massive expansion of Government and centralized economic decision making worked. That is another brain dead myth lefttards love to wallow in.
So this moronic tome containing this mythical premise of inequality does what many leftist false premises do in order to promote a terribly flawed and failed ideological political view, create strawmen and reinvent history while avoiding the facts.
But then, please show me a human endevour that was perfect and did not contain even worse outcomes.
We grew, we learned from our mistakes and created a better Republic. Unfortunately, as evidenced by this thread, our educational establishment is failing our youth and they are growing up stupid thinking that Government should be the ultimate arbiter of what is fair and that we should be happy for the leftovers of our labor that has not been forcefully usurped by arrogant presumptuous politicians who think they are entitled to be the deciders and do so by duping gullible dunces into electing them.
Our founders are rolling, no spinning in their graves when citizens of this greatest of nations on earth make such dimwitted arguments bereft of history, reason, common sense, logic and the facts.
Regardless of what color it is posted in; you're still pathetic dunce.
Small brained whiney vagina men tend to wallow in their own hypocrisy and irony.![]()
My post wasn't meant to be fodder for your diarrhea mill, but advice to the OP.
You made no points worthy of countering, and like Legion Troll (Big Money), your content consists of disgusting insults. Do you talk to your grandmother that way?
Think there was no Gilded Age (not guided like you wrote the first time or guilded like you wrote the second time), you have clearly never been to Newport Rhode Island, the terminus of the Blackstone River where the Industrial Age began.
Believe me , Dumbfuck; I am an architectural metalsmith, I work in the conclaves of the wealthiest people in the world, and the gilding is proceeding like a space launch.
My post wasn't meant to be fodder for your diarrhea mill, but advice to the OP.
You made no points worthy of countering, and like Legion Troll (Big Money), your content consists of disgusting insults. Do you talk to your grandmother that way?
Think there was no Gilded Age (not guided like you wrote the first time or guilded like you wrote the second time), you have clearly never been to Newport Rhode Island, the terminus of the Blackstone River where the Industrial Age began.
Believe me , Dumbfuck; I am an architectural metalsmith, I work in the conclaves of the wealthiest people in the world, and the gilding is proceeding like a space launch.
I just destroyed you fool!
No one is banned from this thread. I welcome all you idiots to give it your best fucking shot. I will mop the board with you!
I am an architectural metalsmith, I work in the conclaves of the wealthiest people in the world.
Have some cheese with that pathetic vagina man whine dunce. Im amused that you think the remote few threads you start in this forum are even worthy of response. Your commentaries are too stupid for words.
Greed is/will destroy America!
Got anything worth-while to say besides insults. Not really!
Already have; but they were infinately above your third grade comprehension level.
Why don't you explain how Government is better than capitalism; we can use another laugh.
Thankyou for this incredibly usefull post.
Either you're deliberately blind to Poet's own behavior, or you're just so stupid that you'll be an apoloigist for anyone who proclaims themself a Liberal.
That this idiot has the balls to ever mock another's spelling is astounding.