He had everything but decided to be a stereotype.


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Michael Vick. Looks like he will take a plea that will subject him only to 1 year behind bars. That is IF the Judge accepts the plea agreement. In Federal Court they don't always.
I would if I was him. The guy ruined himself. He knew he'd be strung up if placed in front of a jury of retards.
Yeah and people pretty much worshipped this guy ;)
Just goes to show how wrong worshipping any human is.

There is nothing Racist here. There is a difference in believing the stereotype, which I don't, and Michael Vick's embracing the stereotype himself and behaving as if he is a gangbanging thug who fights dogs. I don't understand why anyone embraces the stereotypes that people have about what ever category of the human race we come from. There are black celebs everywhere that are saying the same thing. Cosby wants to know why so many black males wish to embrace the image of a man that impregnates a woman and then walks away from his responsibilities. It is not racist to question these types of behaviors.
There is nothing Racist here. There is a difference in believing the stereotype, which I don't, and Michael Vick's embracing the stereotype himself and behaving as if he is a gangbanging thug who fights dogs. I don't understand why anyone embraces the stereotypes that people have about what ever category of the human race we come from. There are black celebs everywhere that are saying the same thing. Cosby wants to know why so many black males wish to embrace the image of a man that impregnates a woman and then walks away from his responsibilities. It is not racist to question these types of behaviors.

But it's culturalist. That's wrong too. WHo says paternal responsiblity is a plus? Any assertion that fathers are valuable is also sexist.
But it's culturalist. That's wrong too. WHo says paternal responsiblity is a plus? Any assertion that fathers are valuable is also sexist.

You had a horrible childhood it would appear. So sorry, but you need to learn the real world.
AHZ, is anything in the world going right in your view ?
I would if I was him. The guy ruined himself. He knew he'd be strung up if placed in front of a jury of retards.
It's so stupidly sad. It's his brother that's supposed to be the fuckup; Michael is the smart and admirable one. That's the way it's supposed to be. Didn't he read the script?

I think I'm beginning to understand how people -- well, sports fans, anyway -- in the rest of the world feel about Barry Bonds. I truly looked up to Vick. I'm not prone to hero worship but I always rooted for him and his team -- unless they were playing the Niners, of course. Now he's just another scumbag.

I know what you are saying, but Bonds does not compare. Bonds was not torturing horses to get his juice, if in fact he was on steroids (I believe he was).

Vick was limited anyways. He was capable of taking a team only so far and since his ego and salary were so large he was unable to allow the team to move beyond where his talents took and limited them too. A good defense, the Bucs, had him beat easily.
Bonds on the other hand is a phenomenal player with or without roids, though basing a team on him alone can't work either.
Who cares about Bonds or Vicks....
I sure don't, and without knowing more, I can't convict Vicks either. I have also put down dogs and other animals when necessary--- However it does appear that he has broken "some" law here.