Health Care Bill

Lil George and the Herbert walker impersonator were discussing this last night.
You guys should watch that show.
Keep up :)
Agreed. I have no problem taxing cigarettes, tobacco, junk food, and alchohol to pay for health care. :clink:

Well, wait a minute, not so fast there you turbo lib taxer. You can go happy-assing around taxing whatever you want, but when you say 'junk food" you don't mean hershey kisses do you? Because I draw the line at Hershey's kisses.
Chocolate is wunnerful stuff.
And yep I smoke, but am still healthier than most non smokers my age here.
I am a lean mean farmin machine :)
I take zero BP or Chlesterol pills.
135/85 and 138 Chlesterol.
170 lbs.

Of course I am only 4 ft tall :D
Chocolate is wunnerful stuff.
And yep I smoke, but am still healthier than most non smokers my age here.
I am a lean mean farmin machine :)

I read that if you eat enough chocolate it will release the same chemical that being in love does. Isn't that weird?

Anyway, chocolate makes everybody happy. Can't tax chocolate.
Sure you can tax it, you have a captive tax base. Like with tobacco and alk addicts.
Not as good as sex though Darla.
NeoCons were just on this board the other day, arguing for punishing smokers and making them pay more, for the nation's healthcare needs.

This tax is entirely consistent with that. ;)

Who said we should tax smokers more? I didn't see anyone say it.

Smoking is nasty though (easy for me to say because i don't smoke). I hate seeing hot chicks smoke especially.
Sure you can tax it, you have a captive tax base. Like with tobacco and alk addicts.
Not as good as sex though Darla.

It depends on the sex. I know for men sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad it's good.

For me, if there isn't some emotional connection, or a steamy attraction that has been building for some time, or, at best, both, I'd rather have the chocolate.

I know that in the history of the world, very few men have found themselves flat on their back, staring at the ceiling, wondering "how did I end up here?", but trust me, it can be boring.
Chocolate is wunnerful stuff.
And yep I smoke, but am still healthier than most non smokers my age here.
I am a lean mean farmin machine :)
I take zero BP or Chlesterol pills.
135/85 and 138 Chlesterol.
170 lbs.

Of course I am only 4 ft tall :D

Who said we should tax smokers more? I didn't see anyone say it.

Smoking is nasty though (easy for me to say because i don't smoke). I hate seeing hot chicks smoke especially.

I could be wrong about the smokers part. I cleary remember NeoCons making the claim that fat people should be paying more for healthcare than healthy people - because its their choice to be fat. You know, that whole "personal responsibilty" think that Cons blather on about, but never live up to themselves. ;) (read: Foley, Vitter, Delay, Abramoff, Bush, Cheney, Gingrich, Haggard, Gannon, etc)

I assume smokers are analogous to fatties, in this world view.
I could be wrong about the smokers part. I cleary remember NeoCons making the claim that fat people should be paying more for healthcare than healthy people - because its their choice to be fat. You know, that whole "personal responsibilty" think that Cons blather on about, but never live up to themselves. ;) (read: Foley, Vitter, Delay, Abramoff, Bush, Cheney, Gingrich, Haggard, Gannon, etc)

I assume smokers are analogous to fatties, in this world view.

Oh yeah, that I do remember.
I could be wrong about the smokers part. I cleary remember NeoCons making the claim that fat people should be paying more for healthcare than healthy people - because its their choice to be fat. You know, that whole "personal responsibilty" think that Cons blather on about, but never live up to themselves. ;) (read: Foley, Vitter, Delay, Abramoff, Bush, Cheney, Gingrich, Haggard, Gannon, etc)

I assume smokers are analogous to fatties, in this world view.

That's a libertarian view more than a "neo-con" one. The idea is people can do what they want but don't expect me to pay for you. If you want to eat yourself into an immovable blob, if you want pop wheelies on motorcycles at 100 mph etc. is all cool but don't look to the tax payers to bail you out for choices you freeley make.
How long till parents that let their children eat junk food are charged with child abuse ?
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That's a libertarian view more than a "neo-con" one. The idea is people can do what they want but don't expect me to pay for you. If you want to eat yourself into an immovable blob, if you want pop wheelies on motorcycles at 100 mph etc. is all cool but don't look to the tax payers to bail you out for choices you freeley make.

I read last week that in about 20 years (I think 20 years), 75% of our population is projected to be overweight.

You're not going to sell the "if you eat too much, too bad, die" plan.

But I'm all for your trying to. :)
Well, if you can do it to smokers, you can do it to anybody. I always had that figured out. Non-smokers didn't get the clue until "they" started circling the obese.

Drinkers probably always knew. Nobody ever liked the drinkers.

Hey, watch it! People love me when I drink!!! :)
I read last week that in about 20 years (I think 20 years), 75% of our population is projected to be overweight.

You're not going to sell the "if you eat too much, too bad, die" plan.

But I'm all for your trying to. :)

I saw that as well on the overweight thing. I'm not trying to sell it I'm just correcting Cypress on what he thinks he heard.
LOL...right, and you love everybody back.

Of course! :)

Hey, I am 34 and have not been in a fight in my life and you know how much I drink. I may be an idiot (actually, it's not even a question of may be) but I am not that drunk guy at the bar talking trash and wanting to fight because I can't get a girl. I'll be the funny guy everyone laughs with (or more correctly usually at).