Heavy drinkers are tasteless


Villified User
Genetic variation gives a taste for alcohol

* 12:00 15 November 2004 by Anna Gosline

People with a gene variation that dulls their taste buds to bitter flavours drink twice as much alcohol as those with more sensitive palates, suggests a US study. The discovery may assist doctors in the battle against alcoholism, which is strongly connected to early drinking behaviour.

People generally fall into three categories of taster. Supertasters have an acute sensitivity to bitter chemicals, while nontasters only sense bitterness at higher concentrations. Medium tasters fall in between.

Previous studies have shown that nontasters find alcohol - such as whisky, wine or beer - more pleasing and sweet than supertasters. There is also evidence that alcoholics and their relatives are more likely to be nontasters. But results have been contradictory, probably because grouping people into taster categories is partly subjective.

More at link below.


I had always wondered why I thought Alcohol tasted terrible.
To me it does :D
You don't like the taste of alcohol because you're a pussy. But, then, I only like beer anyway. Wine sucks and straight licquor is way to strong.

I figured a republican would diss scientific evidence.
It is your way.

Naw, I was just saying that in your case, you're a pussy. I'm sure the science is valid for many people. Of course, I have only been drinking for a little over a year, so I doubt dull senses are responsible to my being able to drink beer...
When I was young it took more balls not to drink than to drink.

3D you insistance that I am a pussy for not drinking porves that to still be alive.
Who is the pussy ?
The pussies got the The wrecked cars and such.

actually even at my age there is still a lot of peer pressure to drink.
And of course the idiot tube tells me to drink.
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I did not realize you dont drink usc.

I go through spurts, I am currently not finding alchohol interesting. Its been a couple of weeks now. Sometimes it last for years sometimes just a month or so. I always just go with what I feel like.

I think I do taste bitter more than most people.
I did not realize you dont drink usc.

I go through spurts, I am currently not finding alchohol interesting. Its been a couple of weeks now. Sometimes it last for years sometimes just a month or so. I always just go with what I feel like.

I think I do taste bitter more than most people.

I am not a teetotaler Desh, Just do not care much for it as the alcohol tastes like crap. Nearbeer actually tastes better to me than real beer.

I have a liquor cabinet in my home and keep beer for friends. I also drink a bit of wine, but not with food , it spoils the taste of the food.
I never drank for the flavor, it took a while for me to get used to the bitter flavor of alcohol. I drank for the effect.
I never drank for the flavor, it took a while for me to get used to the bitter flavor of alcohol. I drank for the effect.

Same here, why I went to mostly clear strong booze. Vodka and shine.
Don't even fool with those much anymore though.
Sweet white wines help cover the alc flavor some though.
Same here, why I went to mostly clear strong booze. Vodka and shine.
Don't even fool with those much anymore though.
Sweet white wines help cover the alc flavor some though.
I got over the urge to get that effect and find no real use for the stuff any longer. But when I do drink it is usually beer, I got used to the flavor and know exactly what my limits are. There are rare occasions where I'll tie one on, but they get further apart every year.
Like most people, I drank originally for the effect.

Now there are several hard liquors that I actually enjoy the taste of, and drink occasionally for that reason. I gave up getting drunk a long time ago. The last time I was truly drunk (only alcohol) was when my daughter was born, and she will be 23 in March of 2009.

I don't mind a mild buzz, but I will stop drinking when I get there.

Beer is one of God's gifts to us. But I much prefer dark beers to the american pilsners.
That's an interesting study. I actually like the taste of some alcoholic bevs, but tend to be pretty picky. I vastly prefer a nice, smooth aged single malt scotch to any of the blends, and will enjoy that about once a year. I don't much like any of the other hard liquors at all. I also like a good smooth Merlot, but don't especially care for the white wines or the bubblies. For beer, which I rarely drink anyway, I like Dundee Brown Ale and its like, but some others are just too pungent.

I can't drink more than one at a sitting anyway, because even a glass of wine will put me to sleep. UScit, you asked yesterday about tastes (I don't have any data on this). I know that most people will insist that vodka has no taste, but I can both taste and smell it with no problem (and don't like it).
I found this study after posting the taste question.

and anything with alcohol in it tases like crud to some degree to me. I must be very tasteful.
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I found this study after posting the taste question.

and anything with alcohol in it tases like crud to some degree to me. I must be very tasteful.

You spend a lot of time here. You can't be that tasteful.