Heavy drinkers are tasteless

Genetic variation gives a taste for alcohol

* 12:00 15 November 2004 by Anna Gosline

People with a gene variation that dulls their taste buds to bitter flavours drink twice as much alcohol as those with more sensitive palates, suggests a US study. The discovery may assist doctors in the battle against alcoholism, which is strongly connected to early drinking behaviour.

People generally fall into three categories of taster. Supertasters have an acute sensitivity to bitter chemicals, while nontasters only sense bitterness at higher concentrations. Medium tasters fall in between.

Previous studies have shown that nontasters find alcohol - such as whisky, wine or beer - more pleasing and sweet than supertasters. There is also evidence that alcoholics and their relatives are more likely to be nontasters. But results have been contradictory, probably because grouping people into taster categories is partly subjective.

More at link below.


I had always wondered why I thought Alcohol tasted terrible.
To me it does :D

Most drugs in food form, like caffeine, beer, and cigarette (no really food but there is a flavor) taste terrible initially but get much better once the person starts drinking it. I think it's not because it's really an "acquired taste", it's really more because they associate the taste with the pleasure of the drug and are easily able to ignore the bad taste after a while.
That's an interesting study. I actually like the taste of some alcoholic bevs, but tend to be pretty picky. I vastly prefer a nice, smooth aged single malt scotch to any of the blends, and will enjoy that about once a year. I don't much like any of the other hard liquors at all. I also like a good smooth Merlot, but don't especially care for the white wines or the bubblies. For beer, which I rarely drink anyway, I like Dundee Brown Ale and its like, but some others are just too pungent.

I can't drink more than one at a sitting anyway, because even a glass of wine will put me to sleep. UScit, you asked yesterday about tastes (I don't have any data on this). I know that most people will insist that vodka has no taste, but I can both taste and smell it with no problem (and don't like it).

Originally I hated beer, but now I really like it and wine better than liquor. In my experience, it's just a lot easier to going down, and doesn't burn your throat terribly. It also isn't nearly as easy to overdrink. I've even started to find the taste of even bad beer makes my mouth water. This fits right in line with my taste-drug association hypothesis. :)

Of course, there's a lot of calories in beer, so maybe it would just be better to mix vodka with diet coke. Seriously, if you drink a six pack, that's like an entire meals worth of calories. That's why they call it the beer belly.

Watermark, future alcoholic.
Yeah, all I've had up until this point is the shittiest of American beers, like bud and busch. I have no idea why, but no one seems to buy anything else. Is it just the cheapest shit you can buy or something? Hey, it'll get you drunk!
yes it's usually the cheapest plus around your parts im sure everyone likes to drink american for american sake.
Yeah, all I've had up until this point is the shittiest of American beers, like bud and busch. I have no idea why, but no one seems to buy anything else. Is it just the cheapest shit you can buy or something? Hey, it'll get you drunk!

It is cheap but you also likely have a law forbidding the sale of beers with a higher percentage alcohol.

Until a month ago, my state only offered beers as strong as 6% alcohol. The Governor recently signed this legislation called Free The Hops that upped the maximum limit in beers from 6% to 13.9% alcohol. This allowed more foreign and gourmet beers to be sold at bars and in grocery stores.

I was out at the bars last night and this girl bought me one I had never had before called Delirium Nocturnum. It's one of the new line only allowed by the new law. It was 8.5% alcohol and delicious.
It is cheap but you also likely have a law forbidding the sale of beers with a higher percentage alcohol.

Until a month ago, my state only offered beers as strong as 6% alcohol. The Governor recently signed this legislation called Free The Hops that upped the maximum limit in beers from 6% to 13.9% alcohol. This allowed more foreign and gourmet beers to be sold at bars and in grocery stores.

I was out at the bars last night and this girl bought me one I had never had before called Delirium Nocturnum. It's one of the new line only allowed by the new law. It was 8.5% alcohol and delicious.

Sounds good. Did you get her number?
Yeah, all I've had up until this point is the shittiest of American beers, like bud and busch. I have no idea why, but no one seems to buy anything else. Is it just the cheapest shit you can buy or something? Hey, it'll get you drunk!

Its probably because you're in Mississippi and light beers are popular in the South. Run by the grocery store and take stalk of what all is offered, and you should be able to locate some of it in bars and so forth. Numerous IPAs, Sam Adams, Alaskan, Blue Moon, Killian's, Guinness, Fat Tire: At least some of this stuff should appear in the store, but this is all based upon my experiences in Washington, and nowhere else...
It is cheap but you also likely have a law forbidding the sale of beers with a higher percentage alcohol.

Until a month ago, my state only offered beers as strong as 6% alcohol. The Governor recently signed this legislation called Free The Hops that upped the maximum limit in beers from 6% to 13.9% alcohol. This allowed more foreign and gourmet beers to be sold at bars and in grocery stores.

I was out at the bars last night and this girl bought me one I had never had before called Delirium Nocturnum. It's one of the new line only allowed by the new law. It was 8.5% alcohol and delicious.

You're right. Mississippi has a beer alcohol limit of just 5%.

It's stupid beyond words to limit the amount of alcohol in beer when you could just buy wine or liquor.

Its about perferred product, not how drunk someone will get. Rednecks up here will buy Bud Light at the bar because its cheaper and will eventually get them drunk, regardless, although they fail to realize that they will still spend as much money as me, as I buy stronger, and hence fewer, beers.
Its about perferred product, not how drunk someone will get. Rednecks up here will buy Bud Light at the bar because its cheaper and will eventually get them drunk, regardless, although they fail to realize that they will still spend as much money as me, as I buy stronger, and hence fewer, beers.

That just makes you a cheap and easy date. :cof1: