fully immersed in faith..
Was France considered a banana republic?
A Tale of Two Cities.....
Was France considered a banana republic?
You are describing Democrats again, Sock. Inversion fallacy.
You really should've watched his interview with Tucker, Lizard. There is no indication of any problems with Trump's health. You must be describing Biden, that can't even pick up a beach chair by himself.
I read your posts as being against any prosecution and just letting them walk, which would be more reminiscent of a Putin like government and a banana republic, imo.
But if your main point is 'house arrest', i largely agree. I think the practicality of putting an ex POTUS, or anyone with lifetime Secret Service in jail, is extraordinarily problematic and will not happen and it will be house arrest.
Actually, it is the opposite. The rest of the world finds Trump's crimes in discord with how we say we are. Equal treatment by the law is not true. Now Trump can show us it can be. We could have put presidents on trial before but did not. Now we are acting according to our self-proclaimed values. This is good for the world to see.
Arrangements can be made, nothing is impossible. If Trump is convicted, he should go to jail, other countries have managed it, so can we.
Sorry, I don’t buy into your caste system.But we shouldn't.
It wouldn't be the class thing to do, and NOTHING is more important that having class and dignity.
Rank has its privileges in a civilized society.
America is swirling down history's toilet on a surge of misplaced egalitarian populism.
A felon should lose Presidential privileges.
Trump made a couple of good choices in his life. He decided at a very early age that alcohol and drugs were not for him.
So he has that going for him, and that is to be admired. But, his body has no strength because a lack of working muscle leads to atrophy.
And just look at all the stress he has brought on to himself. Stress is a killer. You know running for president is one of the most stressful things one can do. But adding all of the stress of facing going to jail for the rest of your life and public humiliation is enough to wear your heart and mind down to a crawl. And also he is facing having to pay off a lot of debts that are becoming due, that he may not have the money to pay them. And who knows what is going on in his love life with Melania. It may be going terribly. But, one thing for sure, a man can't sleep with all this stuff to have to think about, and that is a mind and body killer eventually, and it don't take long.
He has a diet that is high in sugar, carbohydrates that turn to even more sugar, and high in bad fats that eventually leads to that huge spare tire Donnie carries around on his hips and abdomen. That in itself is a serious indication that he could have a heart failure at any moment.
So, I believe you have overlooked a lot, in trying to access Donnie's physical and mental conditions.
Yes, I think that's the way to go.
I'm not an egalitarian populist and I do believe that rank has its privileges,
but all serious crimes still have to be prosecuted and Trump's appear to be pretty serious.
We defeated King George for this notion and established a nation without royalty or classes.A nation that does not afford privileges to its elite, even if they're scumbags like Trump, doesn't deserve to survive.
It doesn't have the class and dignity to be worth trying to save.
Why are so many Americans so gauche?
It seems as though they were raised in barns.
Egalitarian populism isn't my thing.
I hate Trump, but rank has to have its privileges in a civilized society.
Why does that make sense to you? America is supposed to be the country where people are treated equally in the law. Now twice impeached ex-president p01135809 can demonstrate equality.
Why does that make sense to you? America is supposed to be the country where people are treated equally in the law. Now twice impeached ex-president p01135809 can demonstrate equality.
I hate Trump, but if we toss former presidents in prison, we look like a totalitarian regime.
House arrest would satisfy me.
Unlike clueless populists, I believe dignity is important for people and nations alike.
I honestly and sincerely believe that too many Americans are classless cretins who don't understand what it means to be civilized.
They were obviously raised quite differently than I was or my children were..
What do we look like if we only imprison the "little people" and let the rich and powerful elitists do whatever the fuck they like?
Non sequitur, neef, since that's exactly what you are saying.I never suggested letting the rich and powerful do what they like.
I suggested not sending former presidents to prison....
Non sequitur, neef, since that's exactly what you are saying. [I obviously disagree with this part-NN]
That said, I agree with the security issues of putting Pedo Don in an orange jumpsuit and sending him out into the yard to play basketball with the Bloods and the Aryans.
IMO, he'll be in a prison of one, possibly a few other defendants, in a secure house arrest run by Georgia in coordination with the Secret Service.
Who said Georgia is given priority. Look at serial killers who committed in several states? Not a lawyer, but my understanding is that each state is allowed to prosecute the murderer. First come first served. States, or Feds, can coordinate prison transfers for court appearances.Why will the Georgia charges be given priority?
In any case, it's somebody else's problem. I'm bored with giving a shit.
Given the intelligence of the American electorate,
Justice Roberts may have to go to Trump's place of incarceration to swear him in.
Who said Georgia is given priority. Look at serial killers who committed in several states? Not a lawyer, but my understanding is that each state is allowed to prosecute the murderer. First come first served. States, or Feds, can coordinate prison transfers for court appearances.
I'm thinking the odds are pretty long that Trump will be elected President. The 14th Amendment issue needs to be resolved in court but I think that will be done before November 2024.