Hello friends

What do you see?

What’s your real name?

This is where I was born.


Thats my azz. a pile of manure. The smallest town with the biggest farm.


We’re in the Hamptons stop by. This is Payton Hall. Yeah I know. ;)
Pay attention!


I think that was Buzz yesterday at the restaurant. The two kids were probably his nieces.
I wonder how E.C. is doing.


I’m not that brat kid next door.

He’s the fukcen responsible one.


What is a barrier island system?
Barrier islands are coastal landforms and a type of dune system that are exceptionally flat or lumpy areas of sand that form by wave and tidal action parallel to the mainland coast. ... Chains of barrier islands can be found along approximately 13-15% of the world's coastlines.

What is the function of a barrier island?
These islands are critical to protecting coastal communities and ecosystems from extreme weather. Beach dunes and grasses on barrier islands absorb wave energy before the wave hits the mainland. This generally means smaller storm surge and less flooding on the coast.

What are the 5 basic parts of a barrier island?
One example of a systemic definition is given by Oertel (1985) who suggested that a barrier island should be considered as the focal element of a much larger barrier island system, consisting of six major elements: (1) mainland, (2) back-barrier lagoon, (3) inlet and inlet deltas, (4) barrier island, (5) barrier
