I prefer the mistakes to be a little less close to the actual end of our civilization. And yes, even if it was because he "listened" to somebody else, it is his mistake. Period.
You think it is "magical" because of empathy. All people can feel empathy, even those who aren't liberal, it is silly to suggest it is some magical liberal experience that I'll never participate in, nor ever have the capacity to understand. In my religion we use empathy consistently in the practice of Compassion.
With that suggestion you have gone into mythical territory where liberals are magical creatures living in a world of rainbows and butterflies while conservatives are an entirely different species altogether without the capacity of even using the magical ingredients in the "empathy" spell cast upon your Great Leader at a time of Crisis because they can't even see the Color Empathy that is only visible by the species of Liberal....
You really should write that book. I'd even read it, it sounds like my kind of book.
But until you can maintain the capacity to understand the reality of the humanity of the other half of the nation, you aren't really arguing, your projecting what you want to see onto another group rather than what is.