Help grind figure out the mystery sound


on indefiniate mod break

For a very long time, ever since I lived back in mass, I have heard the wind(?) make this really weird sound sometimes, where it rises in pitch and drops in pitch. I always found it very strange, but hard to describe to people.

Anyway, while watching people getting owned by tornadoes recently, I stumbled across this:

THIS IS THE FUCKING SOUND I HAVE ALWAYS HEARD. I mean, almost exactly, the wind near where I live sometimes makes this sound.

There are no sirens anywhere fucking close to me. Nooo way.

Does anyone know why I hear this? And does anyone know how the wind could possibly make this sound?
It's a storm siren, of course, but I think the wind is distorting the sound waves as the noise comes out of it.
why are some of you so retarded? I am not asking about the sound in the video labeled storm sirens. It's to be used as a comparison between what I hear in a sirenless enviroment.
I am just asking questions. :)

But it must be blowing through something to make that sort of a noise. Either that or it's a ghost.
to understand why you hear this you need to understand a bit about how a whistle works.....

first, you need a large empty chamber that has one opening for wind to enter and another for it to leave......then you need a smaller object within that chamber that is light enough that the wind can cause it to move in turbulence.....the air, moving through the chamber is slowed by the moving object and a sound wave is created.....because the object is moving the sound comes in a varying pitch.....

now in your instance the empty chamber is represented by your head with your ears being the two openings.....the moving object is the desiccated remains of your brain......unfortunately you won't understand this explanation because of the aforementioned dessication......
why are some of you so retarded? I am not asking about the sound in the video labeled storm sirens. It's to be used as a comparison between what I hear in a sirenless enviroment.

I actually think String has become one of the funniest posters on here. I don't remember him being this cool or funny his first go around. Maybe he took a blow to the head and his personality changed...or I did!