Help learning about black lives matter

I'm looking for some good resources to get myself more informed about the black lives matter movement. I've recently started dating a girl that I really like who is passionate about this topic. I want to show her that I am taking initiative to learn about the topic. Thanks in advance

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RUN... just... RUN!!!!

The BLM organization is nothing more than a terrorist organization. They don't give a shit about black lives, or any lives for that matter. They're all about violence...
I'm looking for some good resources to get myself more informed about the black lives matter movement. I've recently started dating a girl that I really like who is passionate about this topic. I want to show her that I am taking initiative to learn about the topic. Thanks in advance

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They should have a website.
I don't understand BLM and they make me embarrassed to be a Democrat, but at least the Democratic Party and I share the same fundamental beliefs about government, civil rights, science, etc.