They buy these lies because they are not very bright
Not lies. You are not very bright.
Not all of a population of people can be smart enough to spot a con man
They spotted losers like Biden and YOU.
Some are so mentally vulnerable that they can not decern what a fact is in a rational manner
Inversion fallacy.
They are incapable of logical thinking
Inversion fallacy.
They think with their child like emotions
Inversion fallacy.
These stupid people get all excited when someone rubs their egos by telling them they are smarter than everyone else
Inversion fallacy.
The trump faction has been massaged by Fox News into feeling good about being stupid
FOX is owned by Democrats.
For once in their lives someone told them that those people in their lives who have always bettered them in any debate are the stupid ones
No debates here. Just conversations. Inversion fallacy.
Fox told them that nephew of theirs who humiliated them with facts every holiday is the one who is stupid
FOX is owned by Democrats.
Fox gave them idiot retorts that stop any rational person for a second as that rational person thinks “what the fuck is wrong with this persons brains”
You are describing yourself again.
Fox doesn't own anyone. Fox is owned by Democrats.
Then another con man came along and conned fox out of the ownership of this idiot brigade
Trump did the same thing to fox that fox was doing to their base
Trump did nothing to FOX.
Drug them along like an excited puppy with a new toy
Inversion fallacy.
Fox tried now and then to resist
Resist what?
But the monster fox created had totally switched their aligence to trump
Fox didn't create trump or a monster.
Easily done.
Fox had created a market for outlets to feed idiots lies
Nah. The market was already there. Fox is owned by the Democrats.
Trump now owned them all and created new ones that sought to be trumps best one
Trump does not own Fox. Fox is owned by the Democrats.
Fox couldn’t afford to anoint a new Republican over trump
Fox doesn't anoint anyone.
All the viewers would just switch to OAN or some other turd outlet
So you consider that a news outlet owned by Democrats to be a turd. I agree.
Now all of them are being sued out of existence for lying about individuals and corporations that these idiots had to lie about to protect trumps ass
Trump doesn't need anyone protecting his ass. He is quite capable of protecting his own ass.
America is in fact taking care of these idiots as we speak
Yes. More and more of America is rejecting Democrats.
It is running its course and America and it’s brilliant system is crushing them
Yes. More and more of America is rejecting Democrats.
Maybe it's the stuff Democrats stole. Maybe it's the tyranny. Maybe it's the constant utter hatred of Americans. Maybe it's the war mongering. Maybe it's the election fraud. Maybe it's the high inflation rate. Maybe it's the shortages. ALL BY DEMOCRATS.
But the republicans have been dead set on killing democracy for many years
There is no democracy. Redefinition fallacy (oligarchy<->democracy).
They can not win elections when facts are held on high
Inversion fallacy.
The minute the republicans started with the meme that “America is not a democracy”
It isn't. The 'federal' government is now an oligarchy. The United States was organized as a federated republic.
it should have been clear to ANY HUMAN that the Republican Party decided to end American Democracy
There is no democracy and never was.
It was the only way that they could continue to due the bidding of the corporate class and stay relevant
Class warfare. Bigotry. Assumption of victory fallacy.
They had to murder Democracy
No democracy. Never was.
Trump has never lost an election.
We are now in the final processes of rolling the dead body of the failed Republican Party into its deserved grave
Assumption of victory fallacy.
Assumption of victory fallacy and blatant lie.
Anti democracy ass boils are losing
No democracy. There never was. Redefinition fallacy (oligarchy<->democracy).
Fear not
Democracy is strong
No democracy.