Help me out: why do people believe Trump?

Because he does hat he says when he is allowed to. Like tax cuts and a wall and the embassy in Jerusalem and the Abraham accord

So because of those three things, you swallow the swill he sells? What is wrong with you?
So because of those three things, you swallow the swill he sells? What is wrong with you?

Clearly you prefer people blowing smoke up your ass. You are a leftist so..... The thing is I'd rather know someone's a thief than find out they pretended to be my friend but ended up stealing from me. You're a leftist though and appearances are far more important to you people than substance. It's the whole leftist schtick, "We are for tolerance" until someone disagrees. "We are champions against racism" until someone decides they won't toe the party line, then they ain't black. "We're feminists" until someone with a dick wants to compete against actual women. Stfu
Clearly you prefer people blowing smoke up your ass. You are a leftist so..... The thing is I'd rather know someone's a thief than find out they pretended to be my friend but ended up stealing from me. You're a leftist though and appearances are far more important to you people than substance. It's the whole leftist schtick, "We are for tolerance" until someone disagrees. "We are champions against racism" until someone decides they won't toe the party line, then they ain't black. "We're feminists" until someone with a dick wants to compete against actual women. Stfu

I prefer someone who might be decent over someone I know is not.
Clearly you prefer people blowing smoke up your ass. You are a leftist so..... The thing is I'd rather know someone's a thief than find out they pretended to be my friend but ended up stealing from me. You're a leftist though and appearances are far more important to you people than substance. It's the whole leftist schtick, "We are for tolerance" until someone disagrees. "We are champions against racism" until someone decides they won't toe the party line, then they ain't black. "We're feminists" until someone with a dick wants to compete against actual women. Stfu
Trump Jizz gargler.
Regarding 2020 being "rigged."

Trump is a liar. He has a long, long history of lying. He's pathological. He has lied his entire life, and there are literally thousands of documented lies he has told.

Trump hates losing. And anyone who has watched his career from the start knows it goes very far beyond that: he CAN NOT accept losing. Under any circumstances. He will never admit to a loss, ever. He claimed fraud in 2016 simply because he lost the popular vote.

Both points are evidenced by his willingness to believe ANY theory, false evidence, or bogus claim that was made, from election night on. He latched onto anything, with desperation. He claimed fraud in 2016, but then pivoted quickly in 2020 to the idea that more mail-in and special rules around that allowed Dems to "rig" it. Anything that would help him maintain the illusion he hadn't lost.

It's maddening that people buy this act. Are Americans this naive...this irrational? It has shaken my faith in this country, a great deal. It's very hard to comprehend.

It's not about Trump, it's about you.
Clearly you prefer people blowing smoke up your ass. You are a leftist so..... The thing is I'd rather know someone's a thief than find out they pretended to be my friend but ended up stealing from me. You're a leftist though and appearances are far more important to you people than substance. It's the whole leftist schtick, "We are for tolerance" until someone disagrees. "We are champions against racism" until someone decides they won't toe the party line, then they ain't black. "We're feminists" until someone with a dick wants to compete against actual women. Stfu

Best post in the history of the internet.
Then explain why you are so anti-American. You never attack Russia, China or North Korea like you do the United States. You continually preach that the US is on the downslide while praising the progress of the Axis of Evil. Wassup with that, #10?
Because he does hat he says when he is allowed to. Like tax cuts and a wall and the embassy in Jerusalem and the Abraham accord

“Because he does (w)hat he says when he is allowed to.”

Now, boys and girls, let the enormity of the ignorance and stupidity of that single sentence sink in for just a minute.

“….when he is allowed to….”

First, what president DOESN’T do what he says “when allowed to”? First, that points to this person’s ignorance of the Constitution. The president isn’t allowed to do anything he wants to. It’s called checks and balances. If Obama was able to do what he said “if allowed to”, we would have universal health care now. But you see, boys and girls, that’s not how the system works.

“….if allowed to…”

Remember “Lock her up”? “If allowed to” Trump has Hillary in jail without due process. He dismantles all the institutions he railed against - EPA, CDC, FBI, etc. “if allowed to”.

On and on.


All wrapped up into those three simple words - “if allowed to”

Clearly you prefer people blowing smoke up your ass. You are a leftist so..... The thing is I'd rather know someone's a thief than find out they pretended to be my friend but ended up stealing from me. You're a leftist though and appearances are far more important to you people than substance. It's the whole leftist schtick, "We are for tolerance" until someone disagrees. "We are champions against racism" until someone decides they won't toe the party line, then they ain't black. "We're feminists" until someone with a dick wants to compete against actual women. Stfu

Clearly, you’re obsessed with transexuals. You bring up ‘women with dicks’ or something of the like quite frequently.

Were you abused by a tranny at a young age?
Clearly, you’re obsessed with transexuals. You bring up ‘women with dicks’ or something of the like quite frequently.

Were you abused by a tranny at a young age?
Tranny Dicks Are Kewl has the biggest collection of tranny dicks on JPP. Maybe he shares them with Yak?
Tranny Dicks Are Kewl has the biggest collection of tranny dicks on JPP. Maybe he shares them with Yak?

It’s their latest fad “hate du jour”.

Many years ago, it was blacks. Voting rights, segregation, interracial marriage, that kind of stuff.

Then it was gays and AIDS. Reagan was big on ignoring that crisis. Falwell and the rest of the “Christians” taking joy in their “deserved” deaths.

Fast forward a few years, it was Muslims. Still is to some degree, but they take a back seat to drag queens now. Muslims were targeted. Trump even tried to have a travel ban on them. He publicly belittled a Gold Star Family because they were Muslim.

Now, it’s drag queens, transgenders, the imagined “grooming”. Toss in a Hunter Biden and you have their current “daily obsession”.
It’s their latest fad “hate du jour”.

Many years ago, it was blacks. Voting rights, segregation, interracial marriage, that kind of stuff.

Then it was gays and AIDS. Reagan was big on ignoring that crisis. Falwell and the rest of the “Christians” taking joy in their “deserved” deaths.

Fast forward a few years, it was Muslims. Still is to some degree, but they take a back seat to drag queens now. Muslims were targeted. Trump even tried to have a travel ban on them. He publicly belittled a Gold Star Family because they were Muslim.

Now, it’s drag queens, transgenders, the imagined “grooming”. Toss in a Hunter Biden and you have their current “daily obsession”.

Possibly, but white supremacy is one thing and sex is another. Trump was a pedo, but his fans forgive him because the 15-year-old sex slaves were "willing". They don't consider it rape unless a black guy dos it. Rich, white Republicans are entitled from their POV.

That's why they forgive white pedos who only rape long as they are not their daughters. Then some get upset.
“Because he does (w)hat he says when he is allowed to.”

Now, boys and girls, let the enormity of the ignorance and stupidity of that single sentence sink in for just a minute.

“….when he is allowed to….”

First, what president DOESN’T do what he says “when allowed to”? First, that points to this person’s ignorance of the Constitution. The president isn’t allowed to do anything he wants to. It’s called checks and balances. If Obama was able to do what he said “if allowed to”, we would have universal health care now. But you see, boys and girls, that’s not how the system works.

“….if allowed to…”

Remember “Lock her up”? “If allowed to” Trump has Hillary in jail without due process. He dismantles all the institutions he railed against - EPA, CDC, FBI, etc. “if allowed to”.

On and on.


All wrapped up into those three simple words - “if allowed to”


What President doesn't do what he says? Biden and Obama come to mind