Help me Video Game Freaks


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Once upon a time I used to have time to check out all the new games but I don't now. To make it short, I like games like Zelda, you know with some action, gathering items, some elements of RPG. I've finished it and am looking for a similar game for the Wii.

What do you recommend?
I'm not familiar with any other games on the Wii that are similar to Zelda. You might try popping a Gamecube game into it while you look for one. Its short and kind of weak, but the Cube's Star Fox Adventures game is similar to Zelda, plus there is the cartoonish Zelda: The Windwaker. I happen to love the Zelda series immensely, and my favorite game of all-time (also my first game) is Zelda: Link's Awakening for Gameboy.

As far as other good games go, you can always count on Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart to be a lot of fun, and there is also a Wii installment of Metroid out as well.
They are not there.

which is why my advice is to buy the system which invests in developing the games you like.

I have to buy them all because we have to have the Link series but we also need new games to play.

Its funny but I never play these things yet all the men in my life are game nuts.
Once upon a time I used to have time to check out all the new games but I don't now. To make it short, I like games like Zelda, you know with some action, gathering items, some elements of RPG. I've finished it and am looking for a similar game for the Wii.

What do you recommend?

Zelda is just about the only adventure game left these days. It survives because it incorporates some aspects from the action genre into it.

The only other game I know that has very similar elements and is well designed is Okami, for the PS2.

Other than Okami, you'd be better off looking for games in other genres that are well designed than looking for mediocre knockoffs of Zelda.
We are looking at buying a PS3 this year around xmas. And that is precisely why we are buying it.

I want Blu-Ray capability to go with the HD tv.
Yeah, my roomate got a PS3, and I use it for that purpose.

I actually have ALL the Zelda games on my computer for emulators up until the Gamecube versions.
Yep, its freaking awesome. I have not played them all, but most of them. I still think going cartoon was ill-advised, but Windwaker (and now, Phantom Hourglass for DS) was still fun to play.

They are not there.

which is why my advice is to buy the system which invests in developing the games you like.

I have to buy them all because we have to have the Link series but we also need new games to play.

Its funny but I never play these things yet all the men in my life are game nuts.
Nintendo always offers great characters, storylines, music, etc. Whenever rates the new generation of consoles, it will give 20 reasons to buy each. PlayStation and X-Box will get marks for power, speed, memory, etc. Nintendo reasons will look like "you can play Zelda, you can play Mario, you can play Metroid, you can play Star Fox." That's why I'm a Nintendo fan, even though the Gamecube was a flop and they still haven't figured out that I want to play DVDs...
We finally replaced our old tv this weekend. We have had the same 27" tv for about 7 years. WE upgraded to a 42" HDTV.

The picture is incredible.
I still remember my first 27 inch.

I could not believe how cool the movie(the abyss) looked on that Big screen.

Now we have a 61 inch ( my hubby won it in a sales contest years ago) along with three others. One is games only and is not even hooked up to cable.

We are about to buy a flat screen and move the 61 inch into the game only position.
Yeah, I like how the 90s was all about home theater systems and size, and now we're finally revolutionizing the technology this decade.
I still remember my first 27 inch.

I could not believe how cool the movie(the abyss) looked on that Big screen.

Now we have a 61 inch ( my hubby won it in a sales contest years ago) along with three others. One is games only and is not even hooked up to cable.

We are about to buy a flat screen and move the 61 inch into the game only position.


Well, we have this nice new tv and we have no input for it except DVDs and video tapes. We ditched cable a couple of years ago, and were going to wait a month or so to get DirectTv or something similar.

Then we found out that we like life better without it. Our daughter's grades went up, we spend more time doing stuff as a family, and we have better controls over what comes into the house.
Oh we have to have our daily show, colbert report and Bill Mahr family time.

We all sit and laugh our asses off.

My son is 20 though and the raising is all done.
Once upon a time I used to have time to check out all the new games but I don't now. To make it short, I like games like Zelda, you know with some action, gathering items, some elements of RPG. I've finished it and am looking for a similar game for the Wii.

What do you recommend?

He was looking for games other than that one because he finished it.