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If they're teaching something like Gender Studies, only if the 'professor' is paying that to the university...
Chemistry, you illiterate bozo.
If they're teaching something like Gender Studies, only if the 'professor' is paying that to the university...
Well, I understand the Capitalists like to 'flood the market' so they can 'keep costs down'.
You know nothing about higher education.
Bill Gates left College before graduating. Just think of where he could have been if he had graduated.
Chemistry, you illiterate bozo.
Look, saying stupid stuff makes me want to avoid you.
Chemistry? Chemistry is a real science with a fact-based set of theories. Gender Studies is a made-up field of nonsense that mostly seeks to radicalize students into becoming far-Left worthless protesters and agents provocateur.
It's about 'Teaching'. The Joy of passing vast amounts of knowledge to the 'empty vessels'. 'Money' should be an after thought.
now you are trolling
But the unspoken secret had been fleetingly exposed: Free labor is a fact of academic life.
“These arrangements are common in academia,” Bill Kisliuk, a spokesman for U.C.L.A., told Inside Higher Ed when at first defending the job posting.
The Universities have failed us.
I have been on the alarms for decades, but very few people have cared.
you are mentally ill
you are a liar
Hey troll, thread was about a university job teaching chemistry. Pay attention.
So? Someone teaching chemistry should be paid. Someone teaching Gender Studies should pay us for the annoyance and stupidity they cause.
So? Someone teaching chemistry should be paid. Someone teaching Gender Studies should pay us for the annoyance and stupidity they cause.