go troll somewhere else
lol you run your shitty little mouth at me then tell me to go troll somewhere else?
This thread is a lie, but you believe it because you are gullible.
go troll somewhere else
lol you run your shitty little mouth at me then tell me to go troll somewhere else?
This thread is a lie, but you believe it because you are gullible.
You are easily befuddled, even your snopes calls it bullshit.
Rush dies.
Trump's public life dies.
America is moving on.
The Left can't accuse conservatives of being child molesters on this forum so they resort to the next worse thing. That's all they can do since they can't debate.
LOL You know how many millions of "Rush babies" there are in the US? Do you even know what the term means?
If you ever said something of substance people would debate you.
why would I give a shit?
Yeah right.
Because it destroyed your argument.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Thanks, Captain Obvious.
You are welcome, troll.
bye, troll
You are welcome, troll.
Which tRumpsucking sock is China Joe? I swear, there are so many tRumpanzee coward socks on JPP that I can't keep up with them.