Who gives a rat’s ass who these fucktards are? He won’t be convicted, and I hope that he WON’T run in ‘24 anyway(it would be hypocritical considering what he’s said about biden, and 78 actually IS too old to run for office). I will vote for him if he gets the nomination though, or I will vote for whoever comes closest to to his America first philosophy. You clowns are really going over the top in your attempts to erase Trump from history. Was he really that effective? And if he was, why did you want him gone? And not just gone, but erased? We see through you. You’re very new to this Stalinist behavior, so you’re making mistakes. Here’s a hint though: to finally get submission from the proletariat, lenin started a revolution. A REAL revolution, with guns and bombs and shit.
The only thing you’re doing with this pathetic cancel culture shit is pissing a bunch of people off. You can try to muzzle President Trump, but you will never muzzle his ideas, which WORKED.