This reminds me of a couple of my favorite posts ever on here.
1) The board went out like this and TTQ64 thought that she was being personally blocked (instead of the entire board being down), and when it came back online she declared the board racist (for only blocking her).
2) During the Bush re-election (so not sure if it was JPP or its predecessor) a poster who is still here declared when the board shut down like we're experiencing now that it was the work of the Bush Administration. And the reason the Bush Administration did it was because we on JPP were exposing all their lies and thousands of people (who don't post) read this board (because I mean, who wouldn't want to read JPP on a daily basis). So in essence we were political influencers prior to social media and they had to stop us.
But I'll admit confusion Hawkeye, you profess support for free speech yet that seems highly contradictory to your love affair with Xi. You think Xi is allowing a site like JPP in China?
But maybe the previously referenced poster was right and there really are thousands upon thousands of people who read this site on a daily basis. Thus the revolution and their illegitimate leader can't have a truth teller such as yourself allowed the freedom we have here to expose them.