Here We Go Again, Another BIG-Assed Democrat Lie


Verified User
Remember when the lying bastard Democrats told the world over and over again and again that the Bush tax cuts were “Tax Cuts For The Wealthy?” Then it turned out that the Democrats in Congress and even Obama as President all agreed and voted to extend the vast, vast majority of the Bush Tax Cuts because they were actually for the vast, vast majority of the taxpayers?

Well here we go again Goobers, now the lying fucking Democrats are preaching their “scare-the-shit-out-of-them-boogieman –gospel” of fucking lies. They’re claiming that a failure to raise the debt ceiling along with a government shutdown will cause the federal government to ”DEFAULT” on America’s debt.

Well morons, believe them if you like but the actual truth is there’s way enough revenue flowing into the federal government to PAY THE INTEREST ON THE DEBT and avoid a default. So, if the debt ceiling isn’t raised and the government shutdown isn’t ended and if the federal government defaults on America’s debt, the default will be TOTALLY because Obama and his Treasury Secretary failed to pay the interest on the debt with a fraction of the loot that will still be flowing into the federal treasury.

Looks like Obama and friends are preaching either a BIG assed fucking lie, (again), or telling us what the “OBAMA PLAN” to CAUSE A DEFAULT is, huh Goobers?
what about all those laws passed by congress that contain funding mechanisms in them? How are we to follow our own laws if we do not keep funding legally mandated organizations?
what about all those laws passed by congress that contain funding mechanisms in them? How are we to follow our own laws if we do not keep funding legally mandated organizations?

That’s not the subject issue of this thread Goober. Other spending can be and will or should be prioritized by the Obama administration AFTER the interest on the debt is paid and a DEFAULT AVOIDED on the faith and credit of America.
but wouldn't that be against the express will of the congress who enacted the legislation in the first place?
Remember when the lying bastard Democrats told the world over and over again and again that the Bush tax cuts were “Tax Cuts For The Wealthy?” Then it turned out that the Democrats in Congress and even Obama as President all agreed and voted to extend the vast, vast majority of the Bush Tax Cuts because they were actually for the vast, vast majority of the taxpayers?

Well here we go again Goobers, now the lying fucking Democrats are preaching their “scare-the-shit-out-of-them-boogieman –gospel” of fucking lies. They’re claiming that a failure to raise the debt ceiling along with a government shutdown will cause the federal government to ”DEFAULT” on America’s debt.

Well morons, believe them if you like but the actual truth is there’s way enough revenue flowing into the federal government to PAY THE INTEREST ON THE DEBT and avoid a default. So, if the debt ceiling isn’t raised and the government shutdown isn’t ended and if the federal government defaults on America’s debt, the default will be TOTALLY because Obama and his Treasury Secretary failed to pay the interest on the debt with a fraction of the loot that will still be flowing into the federal treasury.

Looks like Obama and friends are preaching either a BIG assed fucking lie, (again), or telling us what the “OBAMA PLAN” to CAUSE A DEFAULT is, huh Goobers?

It's like the fable about the little boy that always cried wolf; how completely brain dead does one have to be to still support this dimwitted, arrogant, reached his Peter principle a decade ago partisan buffoon?
Talk about a butthurt teabagger

Another rant from the backwoods hick. Now run on back to that gated trailer park and let the adults talk without your desperate cries for attention being a thread troll whore.

I think I hear that second cousin wife of yours calling.

By the way dimwit; are the rumors true? Your family tree doesn't have any branches? Can't say I am shocked by it. I'm betting that Deliverance is a common every day reality for you.

Now scat you little dimwit.
what about all those laws passed by congress that contain funding mechanisms in them? How are we to follow our own laws if we do not keep funding legally mandated organizations?

Translation; how am I going to get me welfare checks? Somebody gotsta pay you know!
It's Obama moving to the center
Dumbass teabagger

Deliverance seems desperate today to remove all doubt he's a thread trolling whore with the brains of a mosKeeter.

Yo deliverance, run on back to that gated community double wide. Yer second cousin wife is callin yew.

You really are THAT stupid.
Another rant from the backwoods hick. Now run on back to that gated trailer park and let the adults talk without your desperate cries for attention being a thread troll whore.

I think I hear that second cousin wife of yours calling.

By the way dimwit; are the rumors true? Your family tree doesn't have any branches? Can't say I am shocked by it. I'm betting that Deliverance is a common every day reality for you.

Now scat you little dimwit.
Get to work janitor
Translation; how am I going to get me welfare checks? Somebody gotsta pay you know!

you know you've got your opponent on the run when all then can come up with is lame ass "translations". FYI... I don't get a welfare check from Uncle Sam, I get a military retirement check sent by a nation grateful for my quarter of a century of service keeping them safe. lol
you know you've got your opponent on the run when all then can come up with is lame ass "translations". FYI... I don't get a welfare check from Uncle Sam, I get a military retirement check sent by a nation grateful for my quarter of a century of service keeping them safe. lol

I’m not on the run dimwit; I’m just tired of your clueless leftist bullshit. It really isn't worth anyone's time debating with someone as painfully clueless as you and who thinks that we all should be dependent wards of the State.

Debating with dimwits who don't comprehend what is contained in the Constitution and what is means and who do not have the most basic understanding of economics is about as productive as banging your head against a wall.

So, did your checks stop coming? How many years did you serve?
I have no desire to see anyone as wards of the start.

and my check arrived right on time for my 25 years of service in the US Navy.
Remember when the lying bastard Democrats told the world over and over again and again that the Bush tax cuts were “Tax Cuts For The Wealthy?” Then it turned out that the Democrats in Congress and even Obama as President all agreed and voted to extend the vast, vast majority of the Bush Tax Cuts because they were actually for the vast, vast majority of the taxpayers?

Well here we go again Goobers, now the lying fucking Democrats are preaching their “scare-the-shit-out-of-them-boogieman –gospel” of fucking lies. They’re claiming that a failure to raise the debt ceiling along with a government shutdown will cause the federal government to ”DEFAULT” on America’s debt.

Well morons, believe them if you like but the actual truth is there’s way enough revenue flowing into the federal government to PAY THE INTEREST ON THE DEBT and avoid a default. So, if the debt ceiling isn’t raised and the government shutdown isn’t ended and if the federal government defaults on America’s debt, the default will be TOTALLY because Obama and his Treasury Secretary failed to pay the interest on the debt with a fraction of the loot that will still be flowing into the federal treasury.

Looks like Obama and friends are preaching either a BIG assed fucking lie, (again), or telling us what the “OBAMA PLAN” to CAUSE A DEFAULT is, huh Goobers?

Peach that propaganda, jackass.
Our President signed a bill to extend the Bush era tax cuts for the rich to prevent taxes from rising on every American household; to guarantee unemployed workers up to 99 weeks of jobless benefits; and to create new incentives for business and consumer spending, including a two percent point reduction in the social security payroll tax. Did you forget?
Sure, we'll have enough revenues to pay the interest on the money we owe, but what about all our other obligations. Moron!
Most of my friends are millionaires
