Oh! But y’all fucking lying bastard Democrats preached to the world for all the Bush years after the Bush tax cuts went into effect that the Bush tax cuts were ”TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY”. Y’all lying bastards forgot to mention that every other tax payer in America got a tax cut also, huh liar?
But all of those are simply promised obligations/liabilities they’re not actual DEBT. The lying son-of-a-bitch President and the rest of y’all lying bastard Democrats are running around preaching a failure to raise the debt ceiling will cause a ”DEFAULT” on the ”DEBT”. The only way we can default on the debt shit-for-brains is if Obama’s Treasury Secretary fails to pay the interest on the debt. All other government obligations/liaqbilities/promises can simply be cut, put on hold or issued IOU’s. You know ”IOU’s” the Socialist Insecurity Fund is made up near totally of fucking “IOU’s.” What’s good for SS is good for the nation Goober.
Democrats love to play fast and loose with the facts until they become fucking lies!