Here's a simple easy question for Leftists

That would be a tranny, you need him in drag queen attire. That's clown material


Hey Hilary's looking better these days. Being away from politics seems to have done her some good
Hate? I don't hate anyone. I have plenty of distaste for many but that's not the same as hate. Hate is just an excess baggage. If you truly despise someone you carry them around as a burden. As for disliking another human being more than Trump, no, he's on top of that list because he affects so many aspects.
[Leftists] hate Trump and DeSantis and the GOP and Christians and guns the list is long. All [Leftists] have is their hate and lies and Racism
I think you summed it up quite nicely, except you omitted their misogyny and hatred of homosexuals ...

... and their hatred of children, don't forget that one ...

... and their hatred for happiness in others, which they find completely insufferable ...

... and their hatred of individual liberties ...

... and their hatred of science and math and logic...

... and their hatred of humanity ...

... and their self-loathing that drives them to virtue-signal endlessly...

... and their hatred of free markets and of sound economic principles...

... and their hatred of differing views and opinions because they are deviations from what they were told to believe by the people who do their thinking for them ...

... and their hatred for the truth, because it makes them look very evil, and stupid, and juvenile, and petty, and dishonest, and uneducated...

... and their abject fear and hatred of the many, many people who know so much more than they do.

Aside from these few items, you basically nailed it.