Here’s How Trump Will Try To Avoid Jail

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree... in the past I only voted for President Trump because I was a never Hillary never Biden person... but I'm telling you and you guys are changing my mind when it comes to supporting him for 2024... I really do you like Governor DeSantis but that's going to take a couple more years...

Top, DeSantis is worse than Trump as far as his attitude towards Gays, Women's rights, and Minorities. And he just looks horrible on the National Stage according to Republicans themselves.

DeSantis is just trying to steal Trump's thunder and add more to it. He must be running for VP- not the president. And looks like all the rest are too- except for Crisp Crispie, Asa, and Mike Pence.

Why are you people not even looking at other Candidates? I have news for you, as it will take the help of BOTH PARTIES to elect the next president. So, it will take someone who appeals to both parties- NOT JUST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT IS ALREADY DWINDLING IN SIZE COMPARED TO THE DEMOCRATS WHO ARE INCREASING IN SIZE WITH EVERY ELECTION NOW.

Asa is a great Republican leader, a true Christian, with true American Family Values, a lifetime of political experience and leadership, and you Republicans won't even mention his name. WHY? He even appeals to many Democrats because he is such a nice and respectable person that anyone would have a hard time trying to find any reason to dislike him. These are the kind of people that make Great Presidents!

Even though Pence was a toadie for Trump for 4 years, he is a man of integrity when it comes right down to it, and you people hate him because he didn't break the law for TRUMP! WHY? Democrats respect Pence now for saving Democracy for our nation. SO he is already in good grace with the Democrats.

I am ashamed of all of you people for making such terrible decisions!

You people just can't seem to get out of your own way!

And you all deserve to lose the next election, and will lose it, because of all the craziness and hateful TRUMPTARDATION still going on- on your side of the aisle- that has already been rejected by the PEOPLE'S VOTES in the last 3 Federal elections.
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Top, DeSantis is worse than Trump as far as his attitude towards Gays, Women's rights, and Minorities. And he list looks horrible on the National Stage according to Republicans.

DeSantis is just trying to steal Trump's thunder and add more to it. He mist be running for VP- not the president. And looks like all the rest are too except for Crisp Crispie, Asa, and Mike Pence.

Why are you people not even looking at other Candidates? I have news for you, as it will take the help of BOTH PARTIES to elect the next president. So, it will take someone who appeals to both parties- NOT JUST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT IS ALREADY DWINDLING IN SIZE COMPARED TO THE DEMOCRATS WHO ARE INCREASING IN SIZE WITH EVERY ELECTION NOW.

Asa is a great Republican leader, a true Christian, with true American Family Values, a lifetime of political experience and leadership, and you Republicans won't even mention his name. WHY? He even appeals to many Democrats.

Even though Pence was a toadie for Trump for 4 years, he is a man of integrity when it comes right down to it, and you people hate him because he didn't break the law for TRUMP! WHY? Democrats respect Pence now for saving Democracy for our nation.

I am ashamed of all of you people for making such terrible decisions!

You people just can't seem to get out of your own way!

And you all deserve to lose the next election, and will lose it, because of all the craziness and hateful TRUMPTARDATION still going on- on your side of the aisle.
I'm sorry you feel that way...but you certainly don't speak for me, and honestly, I wish you wouldn't.... Do you read what you write before you hit post quick reply? Just when I think it might be possible, you remove any possibility of that happening...perhaps someday...
I can wait...I'm incredibly patient and tolerant...;)
If all else fails, Trump can always defect to Russia; I'm sure that Putin would just love to have his favorite useful idiot living there.
Yes, we were depending on the Senate to have 12 honest and moral Republicans to vote to have him removed from office after being impeached.


Or, they failed because the Democrats that brought them couldn't make a convincing case... That's far more likely a cause.
I don't think the primary voters will support Kennedy. That only leaves Biden. The party has no power to block or replace him.

The people choose

If they are allowed to vote and allowed to have their votes counted

Biden will be president again
Top, DeSantis is worse than Trump as far as his attitude towards Gays, Women's rights, and Minorities. And he just looks horrible on the National Stage according to Republicans themselves.

DeSantis is just trying to steal Trump's thunder and add more to it. He must be running for VP- not the president. And looks like all the rest are too- except for Crisp Crispie, Asa, and Mike Pence.

Why are you people not even looking at other Candidates? I have news for you, as it will take the help of BOTH PARTIES to elect the next president. So, it will take someone who appeals to both parties- NOT JUST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT IS ALREADY DWINDLING IN SIZE COMPARED TO THE DEMOCRATS WHO ARE INCREASING IN SIZE WITH EVERY ELECTION NOW.

Asa is a great Republican leader, a true Christian, with true American Family Values, a lifetime of political experience and leadership, and you Republicans won't even mention his name. WHY? He even appeals to many Democrats because he is such a nice and respectable person that anyone would have a hard time trying to find any reason to dislike him. These are the kind of people that make Great Presidents!

Even though Pence was a toadie for Trump for 4 years, he is a man of integrity when it comes right down to it, and you people hate him because he didn't break the law for TRUMP! WHY? Democrats respect Pence now for saving Democracy for our nation. SO he is already in good grace with the Democrats.

I am ashamed of all of you people for making such terrible decisions!

You people just can't seem to get out of your own way!

And you all deserve to lose the next election, and will lose it, because of all the craziness and hateful TRUMPTARDATION still going on- on your side of the aisle- that has already been rejected by the PEOPLE'S VOTES in the last 3 Federal elections.
its because lib'ruls are dick heads and must be stopped from fucking over the country....
just think.....if you hadn't lied about him you would be done with him by we wouldn't have had that mess in Afghanistan and high gas inflation.......none of that January 6 business.....and we would have a dozen Republicans running against a dozen, no one would have noticed that Buyden was on the take.....
Top, DeSantis is worse than Trump as far as his attitude towards Gays, Women's rights, and Minorities. And he just looks horrible on the National Stage according to Republicans themselves.

DeSantis is just trying to steal Trump's thunder and add more to it. He must be running for VP- not the president. And looks like all the rest are too- except for Crisp Crispie, Asa, and Mike Pence.

Why are you people not even looking at other Candidates? I have news for you, as it will take the help of BOTH PARTIES to elect the next president. So, it will take someone who appeals to both parties- NOT JUST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT IS ALREADY DWINDLING IN SIZE COMPARED TO THE DEMOCRATS WHO ARE INCREASING IN SIZE WITH EVERY ELECTION NOW.

Asa is a great Republican leader, a true Christian, with true American Family Values, a lifetime of political experience and leadership, and you Republicans won't even mention his name. WHY? He even appeals to many Democrats because he is such a nice and respectable person that anyone would have a hard time trying to find any reason to dislike him. These are the kind of people that make Great Presidents!

Even though Pence was a toadie for Trump for 4 years, he is a man of integrity when it comes right down to it, and you people hate him because he didn't break the law for TRUMP! WHY? Democrats respect Pence now for saving Democracy for our nation. SO he is already in good grace with the Democrats.

I am ashamed of all of you people for making such terrible decisions!

You people just can't seem to get out of your own way!

And you all deserve to lose the next election, and will lose it, because of all the craziness and hateful TRUMPTARDATION still going on- on your side of the aisle- that has already been rejected by the PEOPLE'S VOTES in the last 3 Federal elections.

Desantis was told to try and relate more to the people. He went to a restaurant and tried. He looked terrible and fake. It gave you the creeps watching him.
its because lib'ruls are dick heads and must be stopped from fucking over the country....

Well, try and stop us! All your jibber-jabber psychobabble only makes you look like an ignoramus! :laugh:

HINT HINT!- Making Donald Trump the leader of your party, will never work! He is going to jail in a straight-jacket!

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Well, try and stop us! All your jibber-jabber psychobabble only makes you look like an ignoramus! :laugh:

HINT HINT!- Making Donald Trump the leader of your party, will never work! He is going to jail in a straight-jacket!


I am fully aware of your life goals.....personally I prefer Making America Great Instead, Comrade........its MAGIC.....
I am fully aware of your life goals.....personally I prefer Making America Great Instead, Comrade........its MAGIC.....

No Sir, You want to make America A BANANA REPUBLIC and allow Trump to overturn elections to keep himself in power!

You are a disgrace and so is your leader Donald Trump!

Hello signalmankenneth,

THE KEY DATE TO KEEP IN MIND is January 20, 2025. Trump’s main legal defense will be to stall the start of any trial until after that date.

He’ll argue that it is impossible for him to get a fair trial as the leading Republican candidate for president.

If U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan rejects Trump’s motion to delay, his lawyers will appeal her decision to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. If the D.C. Court of Appeals rejects the motion, he’ll appeal to the Supreme Court.

Given the makeup of the current Supreme Court, a majority of the justices are likely to go along with Trump’s argument and stay the commencement of the case until the next president is sworn in. (They will not recuse themselves.)

If the trial nonetheless commences before January 20, 2025, Trump will try to slow it down with procedural motions, which, if denied by Judge Chutkan, will then be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

The point of both strategies will be to enable Trump to center his 2024 campaign on his alleged persecution by the “Deep State.”

As he wrote to his supporters on Tuesday night, “If these illegal persecutions succeed, if they’re allowed to set fire to the law, then it will not stop with me. Their grip will close even tighter around YOU. It’s not just my freedom on the line, but yours as well — and I will NEVER let them take it from you.”

If he wins the election, he’ll be able to end the case with either a pliable new attorney general or a self-pardon. (In the unlikely event that one of his rivals for the GOP nomination is elected, they — including Ron DeSantis — have already promised to pardon him.)

If Trump loses the election, he’ll have put Joe Biden under enormous pressure to pardon him, in order to “heal” the nation. Anyone remember Gerald Ford?

Again, this strategy strikes me as the most likely one Trump will follow. I don’t believe it will succeed.
What do you think?


He will try to slow it down but justice must be done. I don't think the SCOTUS is as beholden to him as he thinks. They clearly do not take possible repercussions of their decisions into consideration. It's all according to the Constitution and the law, as the justices interpret them.

If a president is unable to serve, for instance because he is in prison, the 25th Amendment can be invoked and a successor then takes office.