here's the memo of the Democrats plot against the Amercian people.

That's great! I was just about to post to you that meme is a troll, not to mention a rodent, and there's no need to spend this much time "debunking" her because she's never actually bunked anything.

Nice to see that you still as full of shit, as you've always been.

Did you ever decide if you're going to tip your head back and expose your throat, if the terrorists come for you??
And the anti-right will make any and every excuse in the book, to spin anything that is said on the topic.

Compare the original memo, which meme posted, to PMP's characterizations of the words about co-pays and deductibles, as well as the role of insurance companies.

Do his characterizations match what was said, or are they different?

A little caveat here: this is an IQ test.
Meme is Toby's mom.
That said Obama care needs some watering down. Lots of it.

just all have nothing else but calling people names, accusing them of being someone else, now I'm someones mom I don't even know..

man it's really pathetic..but expected..
That's great! I was just about to post to you that meme is a troll, not to mention a rodent, and there's no need to spend this much time "debunking" her because she's never actually bunked anything.

And she doesn't understand why I called her the "queen of hit-and-run". :rolleyes:
Now, THERE is some substance. When you go to debate meme, you'd better bring it!

I'm just glad she didn't pull out "okey dokey," the ultimate trump card....

so? what's it to it taking some skin off your high and mighty ass..
go play with your buddies..I'm done playing with you all whiners..
I don't feel like I have the time or mental energy that I want to expend arguing with dumbasses and liars on the internet about health care. Any moron can tell you that insurance companies are not "evil" nor are they good. They are for-profit corporations who act in whichever manner they have discerned is in the interest of their profitability and their stockholders. They have no morals, good or bad.

The question is; is a for-profit health care system a moral system, and the answer clearly is no.

A woman was denied payment for cancer treatment because of acne she had as a young girl that she didn't put down on her form. Now, this can happen to anyone, or to anyone's loved one.

That any average American would be aruging for this system, is all of the demonstration anyone would ever need of their complete slavish ignorance. Maybe it will happen to them or to someone they love, and that might be poetic justice, but we can't all sit around waiting for it.

Not only are you dealing with mind-numbing stupidity, ignorance, and in many cases, outright mendacity, but you are dealing with a small minority. A super-majority of Americans fully support the OPTION to buy into a medicare-like program.

I wonder then, what is the point of this? One's time is much better spent calling your congressperson to let them know you are watching, and if you can do it, getting down this month of August to any townhall meeting they might be holding in order to present a counterpoint to the faux, big health industry paid for, "grassroots" thugery that is attempting to shut them down.

Random morons and liars on internet message boards? Really not players.
"Hold the insurance companies accountable. Remove them from between you and your doctor. No discrimination for pre-existing conditions. No dropping your coverage because you get sick. No more job or life decisions made based on loss of coverage. No need to change doctors or plans. No co-pays for preventive care. No excessive out-of-pocket expenses,deductibles, or co-pays. No yearly or lifetime cost caps on what insurance companies cover"

Jeez...that sounds just awful!

They really are against the American people....

1) It sounds like a complete fairy tale

2) Removing the insurance company from between you and your doctor and replacing it with a bunch of moronic politicians is hardly a benefit to individuals.
what the hell is a super majority??

It's a lot like a super-retard.

Super-majority: A majority, and then some.

Super-retard: Retarded, and then there's meme.

1. a majority that must represent some percentage more than a simple majority.
2. a majority greater than a specified number, as 60%, of the total: required to pass certain types of legislation, override vetos, etc.
The group that you are not a part of.

is that kinda like what they have in Venezuela?
so because you all think you have this "super majority" you can crush the rest of the American citizens that are against this..
is that kinda like what they have in Venezuela?
so because you all think you have this "super majority" you can crush the rest of the American citizens that are against this..

Elections have consequences.

You should try winning some.