here's the memo of the Democrats plot against the Amercian people.

A number of posters shared their stories of the insurance companies saying what treatments or medications they can have, but I guess you had the blinders on.

You're remarkably naive if you think there are no restrictions with private insurance.

yeah, I'm naive..:rolleyes:
I am talking about that database being held and controlled by the government. The same government we hold a right to privacy against...

It is stupid to give up one of our most important freedoms so we can have another step towards cradle to grave care. I'm sure we can find a reasonable way to get it done without giving our most private information to the government to keep care of.

And again, we need to stop being fatties if we want that .5 years to be ALL OURS! Mwahahaha! Otherwise we can enjoy our lives accept we'll live a bit less long than France and still have the technologies that will save lives.

I guess conservatives have given up challenging that public universal healthcare is cheaper, more cost efficient, and delivers better results broadly, than private insurance by for-profit corporate monopolies.....and retreating to the freedom argument. :(

Universal Health care also makes you a slave to the Federal Government..
maybe some of you don't care if you are, but a lot more people in this country don't want to Government Health care.
I guess conservatives have given up challenging that public universal healthcare is cheaper, more cost efficient, and delivers better results broadly, than private insurance by for-profit corporate monopolies.....and retreating to the freedom argument. :(
No, I simply listed two of my concerns. The number one being I don't trust them to find my fence line, let alone to be an ethical caretaker of my most personal information.

The real argument lies in the "crisis".
No, I simply listed two of my concerns. The number one being I don't trust them to find my fence line, let alone to be an ethical caretaker of my most personal information.

The real argument lies in the "crisis".

Is there some actual evidence that Medicare is more careless with private information, than Blue Cross or Aetna?

Or, is this just a gut feeling you have?
Is there some actual evidence that Medicare is more careless with private information, than Blue Cross or Aetna?

Or, is this just a gut feeling you have?
It is simply history. Governments often abuse their power, hence we created rights that the government isn't supposed to step in. I do not trust the government as the caretaker of my information. One example in the US would be the Caucus information used against Japanese, German and Italian Americans during WWII. (Mostly Japanese).

If you believe that only the "good guys" will always have the power then you are just fooling yourself.
I am talking about that database being held and controlled by the government. The same government we hold a right to privacy against... It is stupid to give up one of our most important freedoms so we can have another step towards cradle to grave care.

Then don't have the database be government run. If you want to waste your money just to waste it, fine, pay YOUR OWN money to KEEP YOUR OWN STUPID PAPER RECORDS.

I'm sure we can find a reasonable way to get it done without giving our most private information to the government to keep care of.

Propose it, fearmonger.

And again, we need to stop being fatties if we want that .5 years to be ALL OURS! Mwahahaha! Otherwise we can enjoy our lives accept we'll live a bit less long than France and still have the technologies that will save lives.

Yeah, all this technology shit is just shit you made up.
Then don't have the database be government run. If you want to waste your money just to waste it, fine, pay YOUR OWN money to KEEP YOUR OWN STUPID PAPER RECORDS.

Duh, I said that we could likely come up with something that would do at least that.

Propose it, fearmonger.

I am, here is the first idea, then we can work out a decent way to get it done rather than pretending we have to do it "nownownownowbeforeyoureaditvotenow!"

Yeah, all this technology shit is just shit you made up.

Except it isn't. I have posted during the last few months sites that state exactly what I have stated here.
Her comment that the government will tell you to go off and die once you reach a certain age, for starters.

how can you call it a lie if the program hasn't even been implemented? fact is, you cannot say for sure it won't happen....

and thanks for answering for onceler....apparently he is incapable of answering himself anymore except to seemingly insult meme at every turn
Compare the original memo, which meme posted, to PMP's characterizations of the words about co-pays and deductibles, as well as the role of insurance companies.

Do his characterizations match what was said, or are they different?

A little caveat here: this is an IQ test.

Which has what to do with all the accusations??

Well, that and you're unfailing M/O of spinning everything else into something you want to talk about.
It's a lot like a super-retard.

Super-majority: A majority, and then some.

Super-retard: Retarded, and then there's meme.

1. a majority that must represent some percentage more than a simple majority.
2. a majority greater than a specified number, as 60%, of the total: required to pass certain types of legislation, override vetos, etc.

By your definition, that would make you a SUPER COCKSUCKER.
well, since you're only capable of ad-homs, no matter the subject, i'll just chalk you up to being an idiot bitch. seems like you're totally incapable of being anything but, hence your opinions are worthless.

have a nice day. :321:

Everyone seems to be ignoring the 300 lb Gorilla, that is sitting on the couch.

If the Government starts forcing their brand of health care on everyone, then there will be no competition.
The Government will take TAX PAYER FUNDS to subsidize their own plan, which in essence will seem to provide a cheaper form of health care.
Once people can't afford to pay the taxes and their own premiums, they'll have no choice but to buy into the Government plan.

This will eventually lead to a definite class division, on health care.; where only the uber-rich will be able to afford private health care.

And then just wait until the Government doesn't have the money to continue the health care, think "Cash for Clunkers" (which has been "temporarily halted").

This will probably result in reduced health care, or costs higher then we're paying now.

Anyone care to show where I'm in error??
You don't give yourself enough credit abba. You're a lot dumber than I am.

Don't be modest. It's unbecoming when one has so little to be modest about.

I don't remember her of ever trying to 'hook up" with another poster, while the person she's living with was in the next room.
So here is my question. It has been asked before but I don't think anyone can adequately answer it. How can a company live up to its duty to investors and turn a profit every year and at the same time live up to its policy holders and pay for their health insurance needs when the population is getting older and health care costs are going up? One or the other group suffers and I don't think it will be the investors.
Yeah pick on a poor mother somewhat deranged over the loss of her son due to the lies Bush and Cheney told to get their war.

But Iraq is a democracy now so everything is ok?

I guess him dying rekindled all of that motherly instinct that seemed to escape her, while he was growing up.