This thread certainly proves that George Bush can do absolutely nothing to please Democrats. It simply wouldn't matter if he literally withdrew our forces globally and isolated us from the rest of the world in foreign policy, the pinheads would still find fault. The level of vitriol expressed here, is troubling to me. What the hell are Demofucks going to do, when they don't have Bush to brow beat anymore? Will they just move on to the next Republican to bash with all the lies and false criticisms? At what point in time, does the Democrat party actually attempt to "reach out" across the isle and work with those who totally disagree with their viewpoint? I mean, you do realize that at least half the country totally disagrees with your socialistic views, right? You don't think that if and when you win back power, everyone is just going to get along and work in a bipartisan effort together and everything will be roses in Washington, do you?
We're going to "reach out " to you, the same way you guys "reached out" to us and to the Democratic minority in DC Dixie.
So don't worry. It's coming. Stock up on vaseline though.
And let us know how you like it.