Here’s what happened when Trump was asked about his ‘favorite’ author in a 1987 TV in

I am SO glad I am not a conservative Republican Trump fan. It must be stressful to have to defend such support, pretending to not know what is so well known about the man.

He is a liar, a racist, a cheat and a CONMAN.
If you really wanna know, listen to this, you may not like it, but it's the truth.... I selected a few minutes you can browse... You might find it interesting & enlightening......
I am SO glad I am not a conservative Republican Trump fan. It must be stressful to have to defend such support, pretending to not know what is so well known about the man.

He is a liar, a racist, a cheat and a CONMAN.

The Republicans wanted a hateful idiot- they got one- and now the whole ship of hateful fools is sinking!
Trump is stupid and head of the Republican party, what does that say about his followers or the party? And he is a proud molester of women and a rapist. This is who rightys want for president. They are conned so badly that nothing he does can make them reevaluate Daffy.
Mueller is testifying in public next month. That should be interesting. Barr has to find a way to stop it.
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